Esim - Srpska Neutralnost

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Srpska Neutralnost (Old article)
Posted 11 years ago by
Serbia Org    

Dobar dan. Ovaj clank pise Lidera bivseg SUP saveza Starac,sa namjenom
da malo objasni neke stvari.

Kao sto znate, danas sam sluzbeno raspustio SUP , nakon odlaska glavnih zemalja
koji su cinili SUP savez, nije bilo svrhe vise da ista pokusavamo popraviti
kada je ocito postojao plan oko novog saveza.
Mogu reci da je su oba saveza OGD i SUP raspadnuti i trenutno da se vode bitke
oko novih saveza i ostalih stvari.

Srpski Predsednik zajedno samnom je odlucio da ce Srbija neko vreme biti
NEUTRALNA te da nece sudjelovati u bitkama protiv nikoga, vec raditi na
zastiti svojih regija.

Puno se prica o nekom novom Jugo Saveza , sto mogu reci da je to NEISTINA,
ako ikada dodje do toga, morat cemo jako dobro napraviti neke planove,
pogotovo radi nase proslosti u securi i ne slaganju s nekim drzavama i
pocetnim problemima , za sada Srbiji nista ne odgovara osim zastite regija
i moguce odbrane , ali vidjet cemo sve mi to uskoro kako i sta .

Razlozi raspada SUPa su trenutno podijeljeni i nejasni, al se moze
izvuci iz svega toga , da su dve clanice krive za raspada ( necu imenovati ),
zadnjih 2 mjeseca smo pokusali srediti sve stvari , al nazalost nije islo.
Prema jednoj nasoj clanici su bili svkaodnevni napadi i RWi, te se SUP morao
non stop fokusirati na to i doslo je do toga da jednostavno je ljudima dosadilo,
da im ljudi odlaze iz igre radi dosadnih stalnih bitaka i da jednostavno svako
zeli napredovati i da zeli ono sto je najbolje za svoju zemlju.
U neku ruku shvacam Poljsku, non stop su davali svoj maksimum, a svoje neke regije
okupirane vracali i micali se jer nisu mogli da odrzavaju i brane.

Srbija je uvijek bila uz svoje saveznike, cak ih je preko NAPova stitila i pomagala,
podrzala je Poljski napad na Tursku iako je Turska bila jedna od clanica SUPa, al
je podrzala Poljsku radi ocitih razloga da je Turska iskoristavala SUP samo radi
DMGa i koristila jacinu i organizaciju Saveza da bi sebi donjeli profit i organizirali
napede koji Lider Saveza nije odobravao, pa cak ni znao da ce se desiti.

Sve je ovo donjelo polako do raspada SUPa, sto je bilo i za ocekivati prejako smo bili
i previse drzimo okupirano, al kako god nisam ocekivao izdaju od nekih drzava , za koje je
Srbija izdvajala DSe , Golde pa cak i sama odrzavala im RWe za koje nikada nije trazila ni

Ali kako god, Srbija je odlucila biti neutralna i moze samo reci da
Nakon svega sto su oni napravili za nas i mi za njih, mogu reci samo
SUP can die, but friendship NEVER!
Zapamtite to ....

S postovanjem , ex SC SUP saveza


Good day. This article is written by leader of ex SUP alliance ,Starac , with purpose to explain some things.

As you all know, today I have dismissed SUP, after the leaving of main contries who created this alliance. There was nothing to do for it anymore, because there was already plan about new alliance. I can say that both SUP and ODG alliance are dissolved and there are new battle about new alliances and rest.

Serbian president together with me has decided that Serbia will be NEUTRAL for some time, and wont participate in battles against anyone, but will try to keep all her regions.

There is too much talking about JUGO alliance, everything i can say is that it`s not true! And if it ever happens we all must work together so we can remove all our problems from past. As I said Serbia will just defend her regions, and we will see what will we do in a couple of days.

Reasons of breakdown SUP are separated and not so clear , but I can say that 2 contries are guilty for that ( I wont say which) . For the last 2 months we were trying to sort things out, but it didnt go so well. There were constants RW against Serbia and SUP alliance always needed to focus on our battles and it became boring so people just left it. I understand Poland , they alywas gave their MAX to help, some regions they returned because they had ups and downs and they coulndt defend from everything.

Serbia was always with their alliance ,even via NAPs she protected and help, she gave support on Poland attack on Turkey , even if Turkey was a member in SUP, because Turkey just used SUP to have some DMG on her side and our organization, they got more profit, and they wanted to declared attack which leader of SUP aliance didnt approved and even didnt knew it would happen.

All this together brought breaking of SUP which was expected, we were too strong and we held too many regions. But I never expected betray of some contries for who Serbia gaved DSe, golds and RW and never asked for 0.0001gold.

What ever happens, Serbia will stay NEUTRAL , and we can say that we will never fight against Poland and S. Korea, after all they made for us and we made for them I can only say that SUP can die, but friendship NEVER!
Remember that...
We will stay alone, we will fail, but we will fail with glory, faith and clear conscience!

With respect ex SC SUP alliance

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VAZNOOOOO!!!! (11 years ago)

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Srbija u Novom Savezu (11 years ago)

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