Esim - Neki logovi,prozivke neke zaostale dece iz CG!

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Neki logovi,prozivke neke zaostale dece iz CG! (Old article)
Posted 11 years ago by


07:48:40: <GOSPODiNX> hi
08:01:49: <EliteGuard> eee
08:01:55: <EliteGuard> do kad si tu
08:02:03: <EliteGuard> i imas 100+ g
08:02:35: <GOSPODiNX> ne znam
08:02:41: <EliteGuard> GOSPODiNX da ti sad alonso posalje kad dodje
08:02:49: <EliteGuard> da mi dignes jedu aukciju
08:03:06: <GOSPODiNX> prvo da posaljete 300 wepsa za ova 2 dana sto pucam i + 155 danas,ako mislite da pucam
08:03:31: <EliteGuard> pa poslace ti terminator sta ja imam sa tim
08:03:49: <EliteGuard> ali sad ce mo dnevno dobijati 15 15 155
08:03:51: <EliteGuard> ja msm
08:04:04: <EliteGuard> a 100% ce biti10 10 100
08:04:36: <EliteGuard> GOSPODiNX mozes da mi podignes
08:05:43: <GOSPODiNX> valjda
08:05:46: <GOSPODiNX> ja sam tu jos 2h
08:06:10: <EliteGuard> ae da jedem ja pa onda dizemo
08:12:47: <EliteGuard> GOSPODiNX koliko iams g
08:12:48: <EliteGuard> imas
08:12:56: <EliteGuard> ako iams preko 200 da ne uzimam od pirata
08:13:39: <GOSPODiNX> imam 100.
08:13:51: <EliteGuard> ok
08:14:01: <EliteGuard> FernandoAlonso ae salji mu 100
08:14:08: <FernandoAlonso> GOSPODiNX: link
08:14:19: <GOSPODiNX>
08:14:27: <FernandoAlonso> samo sekund da pokradem MU
08:14:30: <FernandoAlonso> jebace me
08:14:33: <FernandoAlonso> nema ni pistolja
08:14:36: <FernandoAlonso> asad nema ni para
08:14:45: <EliteGuard> staaaaaaaaaa
08:14:47: <EliteGuard> nema g
08:15:04: <FernandoAlonso> pa nema kad sam ja uzeo
08:15:06: <FernandoAlonso>
08:15:10: <FernandoAlonso> kazem nece imati
08:15:13: <FernandoAlonso> da kupe pistolje
08:15:16: <FernandoAlonso> pa cu ja najebati
08:15:20: <EliteGuard> a vraticemo sad
08:15:44: <EliteGuard> ae dizemo polako sve po 10 dizi
08:16:39: <EliteGuard> au koji seljak
08:16:44: <EliteGuard> ovaj spidi
08:16:52: <FernandoAlonso> pa rekao sam ti da nije puno vise stavio
08:16:57: <GOSPODiNX> mene ce spedy sada da pita sighurno da li zelim da mi pusti
08:16:58: <FernandoAlonso> mada nisam znao koliko
08:17:21: <GOSPODiNX> on kad vidi da je imam order negde
08:17:28: <GOSPODiNX> salji poruku da me pita jel pucam
08:17:29: <GOSPODiNX>
08:17:32: <GOSPODiNX> salje
08:17:35: <EliteGuard>
08:17:44: <EliteGuard> ae stavi sve pare sad na to
08:17:53: <EliteGuard> tj 200
08:18:53: <EliteGuard> FernandoAlonso aj mi prodas offhand
08:19:12: <FernandoAlonso> ma brate treba mi on
08:19:21: <FernandoAlonso> onon mi je miss
08:19:25: <FernandoAlonso> i veliki critical
08:19:44: <EliteGuard> pa zato mi i treba
08:20:47: <EliteGuard> GOSPODiNX si stavio 200
08:21:12: <GOSPODiNX> aga
08:46:22: <EliteGuard> au odustao spidi
18:25:16: <GOSPODiNX> poz
18:26:01: <fico_tebra> o/
18:38:34: <GOSPODiNX> Ajde ko deli weps
18:38:35: <GOSPODiNX> za
18:38:42: <GOSPODiNX> Bar
18:38:43: <GOSPODiNX> ?
18:39:00: <EliteGuard> GOSPODiNX daj one golde
18:39:40: <GOSPODiNX> kome
18:39:42: <GOSPODiNX> i dajte prvo weps
18:39:47: <EliteGuard> psihu
18:40:01: <GOSPODiNX> golde zadrzavam dok se ne isplati weps
18:40:12: <GOSPODiNX> ili cu posaljem razliku
18:40:19: <EliteGuard> nemoj da kenajs
18:40:26: <EliteGuard> to vidi sa vladom cg
18:40:31: <EliteGuard> ne samnom
18:40:45: <GOSPODiNX> ne seri ti si tamo neki kurac znas ih sve
18:41:03: <GOSPODiNX> sam si rekao da se dobija weps,ja spicio 2m i nista
18:41:05: <GOSPODiNX> nisam dobio
18:41:45: <EliteGuard> fico_tebra ti je najbolji sa njima
18:41:54: <GOSPODiNX> ne znam
18:41:56: <GOSPODiNX> dogovorite se
18:41:59: <GOSPODiNX> pa mi javite
18:45:59: <fico_tebra> sta
18:46:02: <fico_tebra> sad koji kurac?
18:46:05: <fico_tebra> GOSPODiNX: ja sam udario
18:46:08: <fico_tebra> 5m
18:46:10: <fico_tebra> pa se ne zalim
18:46:12: <fico_tebra> tako da tisina
18:46:21: <EliteGuard> nece da nam vrati 100 g
18:46:27: <GOSPODiNX> mojne ti meni tisina
18:46:28: <EliteGuard> dok nu drzava neda wep ili pare
18:46:32: <GOSPODiNX> ja nemam nista sa ch
18:46:34: <GOSPODiNX> cg
18:46:36: <GOSPODiNX> ti uradi
18:46:39: <GOSPODiNX> 200m ako oces
18:46:39: <fico_tebra> kakvih 100 golda?
18:46:44: <GOSPODiNX> elite je sam rekao
18:46:47: <GOSPODiNX> da se deli weps
18:46:52: <GOSPODiNX> e pa ja nisam video ni W od wepsa
18:46:54: <GOSPODiNX> tako da
18:46:56: <GOSPODiNX> cekam
18:46:57: <GOSPODiNX> za 2m
18:46:59: <GOSPODiNX> da se isplati
18:47:16: <fico_tebra> axaxxaxa
18:47:22: <fico_tebra> kakva budala -.-
18:47:26: <fico_tebra> Eliteguard: aj pm
18:47:30: <EliteGuard> ae
18:47:52: <GOSPODiNX> i danas kad spicim 1m
18:47:53: <GOSPODiNX> znaci
18:47:56: <GOSPODiNX> 15g
18:48:00: <fico_tebra> o kakvim
18:48:01: <GOSPODiNX> da si uzmem a ostalo saljem
18:48:03: <fico_tebra> ti goldima pricas?
18:48:18: <fico_tebra> GOSPODiNX: vrati te pare
18:48:18: <GOSPODiNX> neka ti objasni sve drugar
18:48:20: <fico_tebra> nisu tvoje.
18:48:33: <GOSPODiNX> pa nisu,cekam moje golde ili weps
18:48:39: <fico_tebra> kakav weps?
18:48:43: <fico_tebra> sta seres ti jbt?
18:48:47: <GOSPODiNX> jel si retardiran?
18:49:03: <fico_tebra> .access del GOSPODiNX
18:49:09: <fico_tebra> .kb GOSPODiNX ti si retardiran.


19:09:21: <fico_tebra> GOSPODiNX:
19:09:28: <fico_tebra> oces li da vratis ljudima golde?
19:11:06: <GOSPODiNX> treba da se isplati moj dmg
19:11:23: <fico_tebra> kakav
19:11:23: <fico_tebra> dug
19:11:26: <fico_tebra> o cemu ti pricas?
19:11:45: <GOSPODiNX> receno je da se dobija weps dok se udara za vg sada
19:11:49: <GOSPODiNX> ja nista nisam dobio
19:11:53: <GOSPODiNX> tako da cekam da se isplati 2m dmg
19:11:57: <GOSPODiNX> i sada kad lupim 1m+
19:12:08: <fico_tebra> GOSPODiNX: jesam ti ja to obecao ili neko iz
19:12:14: <fico_tebra> vrha drzave?
19:13:39: <GOSPODiNX> elite
19:13:42: <GOSPODiNX> je tako rekao
19:14:05: <fico_tebra> nije istina
19:14:09: <fico_tebra> vrati ljudima
19:14:12: <fico_tebra> taj gold
19:14:14: <fico_tebra> jer nije tvoj
19:14:39: <GOSPODiNX> nije istina?
19:14:46: <fico_tebra> ne
19:14:48: <fico_tebra> kad mi das
19:14:48: <fico_tebra> log
19:14:53: <fico_tebra> onda mozemo da pricamo.
19:14:54: <GOSPODiNX> evo sace
19:15:59: <GOSPODiNX> 08:03:49: <EliteGuard> ali sad ce mo dnevno dobijati 15 15 155
19:16:13: <GOSPODiNX>
19:17:11: <GOSPODiNX> 18:17:22: <EliteGuard> sad je ef drzavna
19:17:23: <GOSPODiNX> 18:18:22: <EliteGuard> to znaci da ce ti drzava davati puce
19:17:27: <GOSPODiNX> ova dva su od juce
19:17:59: <GOSPODiNX> mrzi me da dajem ss
19:18:04: <GOSPODiNX> 450 wepsa dodjete
19:18:11: <GOSPODiNX> saljem
19:18:12: <GOSPODiNX> golde
19:18:16: <GOSPODiNX> samo da prebijem od wepsa
19:18:22: <GOSPODiNX> a vi posaljite psihu
19:19:14: <GOSPODiNX> 16g je to
19:22:09: <fico_tebra> GOSPODiNX:
19:22:09: <fico_tebra> ima da letis iz EF
19:22:12: <fico_tebra> zbog ovoga
19:22:57: <GOSPODiNX> sto bi leteo
19:22:59: <GOSPODiNX> imas dokaze
19:23:00: <GOSPODiNX> cao poz
19:23:48: <fico_tebra> pa videces
19:23:49: <fico_tebra> dokaz
19:23:55: <fico_tebra> nemas
19:23:59: <fico_tebra> ovo nije dokaz.
19:24:02: <fico_tebra> jer nije niko iz
19:24:05: <fico_tebra> staba EF rekao
19:24:06: <fico_tebra> to.

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About the game:

USA as a world power? In E-Sim it is possible!

In E-Sim we have a huge, living world, which is a mirror copy of the Earth. Well, maybe not completely mirrored, because the balance of power in this virtual world looks a bit different than in real life. In E-Sim, USA does not have to be a world superpower, It can be efficiently managed as a much smaller country that has entrepreneurial citizens that support it's foundation. Everything depends on the players themselves and how they decide to shape the political map of the game.

Work for the good of your country and see it rise to an empire.

Activities in this game are divided into several modules. First is the economy as a citizen in a country of your choice you must work to earn money, which you will get to spend for example, on food or purchase of weapons which are critical for your progress as a fighter. You will work in either private companies which are owned by players or government companies which are owned by the state. After progressing in the game you will finally get the opportunity to set up your own business and hire other players. If it prospers, we can even change it into a joint-stock company and enter the stock market and get even more money in this way.

In E-Sim, international wars are nothing out of the ordinary.

"E-Sim is one of the most unique browser games out there"

Become an influential politician.

The second module is a politics. Just like in real life politics in E-Sim are an extremely powerful tool that can be used for your own purposes. From time to time there are elections in the game in which you will not only vote, but also have the ability to run for the head of the party you're in. You can also apply for congress, where once elected you will be given the right to vote on laws proposed by your fellow congress members or your president and propose laws yourself. Voting on laws is important for your country as it can shape the lives of those around you. You can also try to become the head of a given party, and even take part in presidential elections and decide on the shape of the foreign policy of a given state (for example, who to declare war on). Career in politics is obviously not easy and in order to succeed in it, you have to have a good plan and compete for the votes of voters.

You can go bankrupt or become a rich man while playing the stock market.

The international war.

The last and probably the most important module is military. In E-Sim, countries are constantly fighting each other for control over territories which in return grant them access to more valuable raw materials. For this purpose, they form alliances, they fight international wars, but they also have to deal with, for example, uprisings in conquered countries or civil wars, which may explode on their territory. You can also take part in these clashes, although you are also given the opportunity to lead a life as a pacifist who focuses on other activities in the game (for example, running a successful newspaper or selling products).

At the auction you can sell or buy your dream inventory.

E-Sim is a unique browser game. It's creators ensured realistic representation of the mechanisms present in the real world and gave all power to the players who shape the image of the virtual Earth according to their own. So come and join them and help your country achieve its full potential.

Invest, produce and sell - be an entrepreneur in E-Sim.

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