Esim - Why Slovakia / Prečo Slovensko

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Why Slovakia / Prečo Slovensko (Old article)
Posted 11 years ago by
Slovakia Org    

Eng: Although sSlovakia is most of the time under occupation there are still some people who are not originally from Slovakia that decide to live work and fight side by side with us. So i made a small interview with some of them so that we can know more about those helpful and honorable people.

SK:Tento článok spadá pod propagáciu sSlovenska a je z väčšej časti po anglicky (treba vyuziť aj tieto news)
Aj keď je sSlovensko väčšinu času pod okupáciou, predsa u nás sú ľudia, ktorí nie sú pôvodom zo Slovenska a predsa sa rozhodli žiť, pracovať a bojovať bok po boku s nami. Takže som s niektorými urobil krátky rozhovor, nech sa môžeme dozvedieť viac o týchto užitočných ľuďoch.

The Following Questions Were:
1. Why did you choose Slovakia as country to live in?
2. Can you tell us something about your self?
3. Do you know something about Slovakia in real?
4. What do you think about Slovak community in e-sim?

First forgive me for my English.

1. I had many eFriend in this country.We got acquainted when eSlovakia was small and not skilled. And at that time we(eRussia/URL) tried to help you to be free. Generally here quite good people play and in eSlovakia it is much more convenient..

2. My name is Alexey(Alex). In rl(real life) i live in Dnepropetrovsk(Ukraine). Seriously game tightened in September of this year. And my instructors at that time became Inger / Fanatic / myrevenge . I study at physical and mathematical faculty in Dnepropetrovsk... (attention) physical and mathematical university(badum tss).

3.About Slovakia in real life I know very little, it would be desirable more. And Slovaks badly I know. tyen0 say u had very bad economic situation. Slovakia is small country with five million citizen. Capital - Bratislava in which there is a monument to Joseph Stalin. Not so long ago Slovakia was part of the Chekho-Slovaksky state. You have intense relations with Huns and you treat kindly Czechs.

4.You are not such beginners with what I you I remember also the main thing that you go the own way. Bad I can't tell anything, besides that often you have disagreements. That is at many of you views very strongly differ.And generally you have forces to go the own way, you are remarkable guys and I think at you all to turn out.

P.S. Kacmis i already buy vodka for you ;*
P.P.S. good luck and have fun.

1. It so happened that just at that time in my home country (Lithuania) had happened bad things (at least for me), my enemies from Primera server took government and I just wanted to move somewhere. I don't know why, but I decided to join Slovakia. Maybe it was one of that strange things like a sixth sense, but I'm really happy about my choice.

2. Well, I'm 18 years old student from Lithuania. It is the last year for me in school, after it I'm going to study logistics. In real life I'm just friendly guy who loves to sport (mostly play football or basketball). I also love to travel, I have been in Greece, Turkey, Poland, UK, Russia, Croatia, Germany, Spain and Italy, although I have never been in Slovakia, but I'm looking forward to visit your country.

About my E-sim career, most of the time I was playing in primera (I was leader/commander in few big MU's there, vMoD of Lithuania, few time congressmen). In secura, I was one of the LFA creators and nothing more, I'm not really playing too much on this server.

3. As I said before I've never been in Slovakia, but I would like to visit your country. I know that Slovakia has a good football team (for those who don't know, Slovakia had a football match against Lithuania few days ago). Also really great ice hockey team. I know well about your national history. Hmm... what else I know... I know where to find you on the map and that you're bigger than Lithuania

4.A Slovak community in E-sim is really friendly, to be honest, I have never seen such friendly and helpful community, at least not for foreigners. If I need some help or some info I can always get the answer on your Skype chat. Few guys even tried to teach me your language . Your country is just great, In some aspects, even better than Lithuania.

In the end I would like to say big THANK YOU for the Slovak community who welcomed me, helped for me, and made me part of this country. Slovakia is really great country and you should show that for the whole world. Do not sit under occupation and fight back, because I know that you can do it.

1. Because I'm looking for beautiful country:d
2. I'm 21 yo, my name is Gregory and I'm living in Poland I learning n University of Economy. Im interesting : Formula1, military and IT
3.In holiday, I arrive to Czech Republic and Slovakia.
4. I have no idea

Eng: To honor those people who have helped and served our country i have decided to give this Q1 bread as a traditional gift of Slovakia people ( Bread and salt ). And also thank you for interview.
How this tradition look you can see here : Video on 01:03

SK:Aby sme si uctili týchto ľudí, ktorí prispievajú k zlepšeniu našej krajiny, rozhodli sme sa každemu odovzdať 1 Q1 chleb ako tradičný uvítací dar ľudí na Slovensku (chlieb a soľ ). Ilustracne Video 01:03

if you still don't understand why Q1 bread this conversation might help:

Young boy: What?! I don't understand why we should give bread (Q1) to someone it's not like this bread would have any big value, no matter how you look at it ...

Old man: Giving bread with salt to welcome visitors is an ancient slavic tradition which endured from the period of the Great Moravia. A loaf of bread, symbolizing life, and salt health and it is a simbol for-

Young boy: Don't try to play with words and make this bread to symbol just to hide the fact that this is a cheap gift! Something like gold or gems or house sound more appropriate, and our just show that we are poor...

Old man: It's true that this is just a Q1 bread. But we people give value to things.
This Q1 bread given to someone is a simbol that we acknowledge you and share our food with you. Because sharing something with other is more important gift than any gold or jewels can be.

Rajnoha : Thank you for your attention! / Ďakujem za pozornosť !

Previous article:
Novinky z ministerstva financii (11 years ago)

Next article:
Slovakia - Poland NAP (11 years ago)

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