Esim - ล est bitki za Hrvatsku! Six Battles for Croatia!

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Šest bitki za Hrvatsku! Six Battles for Croatia! (Old article)
Posted 11 years ago by

Hrvatska trenutno vodi šest bitki za teritorij protiv BiH, Crne Gore, Slovenije i Srbije.

Naravno rijeฤ je o dogovoru u napadu... Nakon što je Hrvatska objavila rat Bosni, Crna Gora i Slovenija su objavili rat na nas.

Jedno je sigurno, ne treba paniฤariti, jer naše MU su spremne za obranu. Obnova German 2nd Reich, GB TIGROVI te HOS su naše najjaฤe elitne vojne jedinice koje bi trebale bez poteškoฤ‡a ukloniti prijetnju.


Bitke sa BiH se vode naravno za Sjevernu Bosnu koja je obogaฤ‡ena resursima High Diamonds te je Bosanci pokušavaju vratiti veฤ‡ treฤ‡i put za redom u toj bitci nemamo saveznika kao ni BiH.
Zatim je izvršen napad na Hercegovinu i tu imamo 6 saveznika, a BiH samo 1 (Danska). Vjerujem da ฤ‡emo ponovno uspiješno zaštititi NB te osvojiti Hercegovinu pa krenuti na Sarajevo.

Crna Gora

Crna Gora je mala drลพava no zato ju ne treba podcijenjivati jer znaju napraviti velik dmg. Vjerujem da ฤ‡emo obraniti Dalmaciju od Crne Gore, no naลพalost izgubiti ฤ‡emo Nikšiฤ‡ jer Crna Gora nema drugih bitki te ฤ‡e se usmjeriti na Nikšiฤ‡ jer znaju da za Dalmaciju nemaju šanse U Dalmaciji imamo 6 saveznika a Crna Gora niti jednoga, no zato u Nikšiฤ‡u nemamo saveznika ni mi ni oni.


Slovenci su slab narod i veoma malen i po teritoriju i po igraฤima. Slovenija radi što joj se kaลพe kada jaฤa sila naiฤ‘e na nju i naravno da ฤ‡emo obraniti CC i nakon ovih bitki poslati ordere na Sloveniju da ju konaฤno osvojimo. Neoฤekivano, Slovenija ima 6 saveznika kao i mi, no to joj neฤ‡e pomoฤ‡i u osvajanju CC-a.


Eh, što da kaลพem o Srbiji. Pohod na Srbiju po meni nije trenutno potreban pored ovih bitki, no dobro je da rasipaju malo dmg-a da ne pomaลพu slovencima, bosancima ili crnogorcima. imamo ordere na Zapadnu Srbiju i mislim da je neฤ‡emo moฤ‡i osvojiti jer nam je dmg u ovim trenucima podijeljen na 6 strana.

Na kraju svih ovih bitki naravno ลพelio bih da se stave orderi na Sloveniju da ju osvojimo. I onda smo nadohvat Italije koja je isto tako slaba pa neznam dali 500 igraฤa moลพda igra e-sim no Itaiju bi mogli lako osvojiti, no o tom, po tom Sretno vam sada u bitkama koje su u tijeku.

Za Hrvatsku sve, Hrvatsku za ništa

English verzion

Croatia currently leads the six battle for territory against Bosnia and Herzegovina , Montenegro , Serbia and Slovenia .

Of course it is a deal in the attack ... After Croatia declared war Bosnia , Montenegro and Slovenia have declared war on us.

One thing is certain , you do not need to panic , because our MU are willing to defend . Obnova German 2nd Reich, GB TIGROVI and HOS are our most elite military units , which should be easily removed threat.


Battles with BiH water course in northern Bosnia , which is riched with resources High Diamonds and Bosnians are trying to go back for the third time in a row in that battle we have allies as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Then was attacked Herzegovina and we have 6 allies , and BiH only 1 (Denmark ) . I believe that we will once again successfully protect NB and Herzegovina win and go to Sarajevo .


Montenegro is a small country, but because it should not underestimate because they know to make great dmg . I believe that we will defend Dalmatia from Montenegro , but unfortunately we will lost Niksic because Montenegro have no other battles , and will focus on Niksic because they know they have no chance of Dalmatia, in Dalmatia have 6 allies and Montenegro has none , but we have no allies in Niksic neither they.


Slovenians are poor people and very small as territory and as players. Slovenia does what she it is said to her when stronger forces encountered her and of course we will defend CC and after these battles send orders on Slovenia to finally win it . Unexpectedly , Slovenia has six allies as we do, but it will not help her in winning the CC.


Eh , what can I say about Serbia . The battle to Serbia by me is not currently required in addition to these battles , but it's good to dissipate a little dmg and that does not help the Slovenians , Bosnians and Montenegrins. We have orders in western Serbia , and I think we can not win because it is in these moments dmg divided into 6 battles.

At the end of all these battles of course I would like to put the order on Slovenia to conquer it . And then we are closer to Italy, which is also weak , so I do not know whether 500 players might play e -sim but Italy could easily be won , but on this , on this Good luck to you now in battles that are ongoing.

All for Croatia , Croatia for nothing

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Bosna, osvojena ali s manje hrvatskih igraca (11 years ago)

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Kandidatura za PL HOS-a (11 years ago)

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