Aries, Dashi
Çdo gjë do shkoje me se miri sot ne jetën tuaj ne çift. Do ja plotësoni dëshirat njeri-tjetrit dhe do ndiheni si ne ëndërr se bashku. Edhe beqaret do jene te privilegjuar dhe do gjejnë shume shpejt personin e tyre te ëndrrave. Me ne fund edhe ata do ndihen te plotësuar. Ne planin financiar priten goxha probleme. Nuk duhet ne asnjë mënyrë te kryeni investime te tejskajshme.
Everything will match the best in your life today in the couple . Here will fill each other’s desires and feel like we dream together . Even single women will be privileged and will soon find the person of their dreams . In the end they will feel fulfilled . We expect financial plan pretty smoothly. Should not in any way to make investments to extreme.
Taurus, Demi
Dita pritet te jete e mire sot për ata qe janë ne një lidhje. Do e kaloni krizën qe kishte pushtuar jetën sentimentale dhe do tregoheni me optimiste për te ardhmen. Nëse jeni beqare duhet te pranoni te dilni me miqtë ne mënyrë qe nëpërmjet tyre te takoni persona te rinj. Ne planin financiar do ju gjeni zgjidhje te gjitha problemeve qe keni pasur. Do ndiheni me te qete.
The day is expected to be better today for those who are in a relationship . I’ll spend the crisis that had invaded and tregoheni sentimental life with optimism for the future . If you are single should agree to go out with friends in order that through them to meet new people . In the financial plan you will find solutions to all the problems you had . Will feel more relaxed .
Twins, Binjaket
Beqaret qe kane kohe se bashku do marrin vendime thelbësore te cilat do ua ndryshojnë tërësisht rrjedhën e jetës. Beqareve nga ana tjetër do ju rendoje me shume se kurrë vetmia dhe do bien ne melankoli. Duhet te bëni shume durim. Për financat do jete dite goxha e privilegjuar. Do e dini mire sa te shpenzoni ne mënyrë qe situata te mos ketë tronditje.
Single women who have time together will make crucial decisions that will completely change the course of their life . Single turn will weigh more than you ever fall in loneliness and melancholy . Must do more patience . For day finances will be pretty privileged . I’ll know better how to spend in order for the situation to no shock .
Crab, Gaforrja
Ata qe janë ne një lidhje do e thellojnë edhe me tepër marrëdhënien me partnerin dhe do kalojnë momente me pasionante se bashku. Emocionet pa dyshim qe do jene te mrekullueshme. Beqaret duhet te tregohen te matur dhe jo te pranojnë çdo lloj ftese qe do ju behet. Ne planin financiar shmangni transaksionet e tejskajshme dhe bëni një riorganizim te te ardhurave.
Those who are in a relationship will deepen even more the relationship with the partner and will spend the passionate moments together . Emotions will undoubtedly be wonderful . Single women should be measured and shown not to accept any invitation that you will become . We plan extreme financial transactions and avoid doing an overhaul of the income .
Leo, Luani
Dite shume e privilegjuar kjo e sotmja për ata qe janë ne një lidhje. Klima do jete e ngrohte dhe e favorshme edhe për te përjetuar emocione pa fund. Beqaret do kenë disa takime, por nuk duhet te krijojnë shume iluzione sepse me vone mund te pendohen. Ne planin financiar do jeni luftarake dhe nuk do ndaleni derisa ta stabilizoni situatën.
Very privileged day one today for those who are in a relationship . The climate will be warm and favorable for the experienced emotions without end . Single women will have some meetings , but should not create illusions because many may regret later . We ‘re fighting the financial plan will and will not stop until we stabilize the situation .
Virgo, Virgjeresha
Sot është koha e duhur për t’u përballur haptazi me problemet ne çift. Nëse i lini ende pas dore duke menduar se do zgjidhen vete do bëni një gabim shume te madh. Beqaret nuk duhet t’i besojnë shume aparencës sepse shume shpejt do mund te zhgënjeheshin. Ne planin financiar fati do jete ne anën tuaj. Do kryeni edhe shpenzime edhe do hiqni disa para mënjanë.
Today is the right time to deal with problems in the couple openly . If we leave aside still thinking that it will solve itself will make a very big mistake . Single women should not aparences because many believe will soon may be disappointed . In the financial plan will be in luck on your side . Will also carry costs will also remove some money aside .
Libra, Peshorja
Pas një periudhe delikate dhe me probleme ne çift, sot do pajtoheni me partnerin tuaj dhe do i shihni gjerat më me realizëm. Po ta kishit bere me pare këtë nuk do kishit pasur probleme. Edhe për beqaret do jete një dite pozitive dhe me takime interesante. Mos u nxitoni te merrni menjëherë vendime. Ne planin financiar situata do jete me e mire sesa ju e kishit menduar.
After a period of delicate and problems in couple , today will agree with your partner and see things more realistically . If you had previously done this had not had problems . Even for single women will one day be positive and interesting meetings . Do not rush to take decisions immediately . We plan financial situation will be better than you had thought .
Scorpio, Akrepi
Dita e sotme do jete shume e paqëndrueshme sot për ata qe janë ne një lidhje. Here do jeni ne humor e here do jeni me nerva. Kujdes, sepse edhe durimi i partnerit e ka një limit. Beqaret do jene sensuale dhe joshës. Pritet një takim mbresëlënës nga i cili mund te filloje edhe një histori pasionante. Ne planin financiar duhet te tregoheni me te mençur dhe te kujdesshëm me shpenzimet.
Today will be very volatile today for those who are in a relationship . Here we will humor you ‘re here would nerves . Beware , because the partner’s patience has a limit . Single will be sensual and seductive . Expect impressive meeting which could start a passionate story . In the financial plan you need to be wise and the prudent expenditure.
Sagittarius, Shigjetari
Çiftet do kenë me tepër mundësi te qëndrojnë me personin qe kane ne krah dhe do i shprehin me lehtësi ndjenjat. Beqaret do jene shume te shpërqendruar dhe nuk do arrijnë te fiksohen pas dikujt. Ne fakt mundësitë për takime nuk do mungojnë. Ne planin financiar do jeni me shume fat dhe do arrini te kryeni te gjitha transaksionet e nevojshme.
Couples will have more opportunities to stay with the person at their side and will easily express feelings . Single women would be very distracted and will not be fixed after someone reach . In fact, there will opportunities for missing meetings . We are the financial plan will be more lucky and get to do all the necessary transactions .
Capricorn, Bricjapi
Klima për jetën tuaj ne çift do jete premtuese sot. Do ndiheni mire pranë atij qe dashuroni dhe do përjetoni emocione pa fund. Nëse ende jeni beqare, duhet te tregoheni te duruar nëse doni te gjeni personin qe do ju përshtatet me tepër. ne planin financiar duhet te reflektoni mire para se te hidhni çdo lloj hapi. Shmangni me çdo mënyrë gabimet.
The climate in your life couple will be promising today . Will you feel better at that experiencing love and endless emotions . If you are still single , you should be patient if you want to find the person that will fit you too . the financial plan should reflect good before you take any step . Avoid mistakes in every way .
Aquarius, Ujori
Debatet ne çift do jene aq te forta gjate kësaj dite saqë disa mund te vendosin edhe te ndahen. Kujdes me ato qe do thoni nëse nuk doni te shkatërroni atë qe keni ndërtuar deri me sot. Beqaret do kenë vetëm disa takime, asgjë me tepër sesa kaq. Ne planin financiar, fale ndihmës se disa familjare do arrini t’i zgjidhni problemet dhe do jeni me te qete.
Debates couple will be as strong during this day that some may even decide to split . Beware of those who will not tell if you want to destroy what you have built so far . Single women will only have a few meetings , nothing more than that. In financial plan , thanks to some family assistance will arrive to solve problems and you are quiet .
Pisces, Peshqit
Te dashuruarit do përballen me surpriza te njëpasnjëshme gjate kësaj dite. Emocionet sigurisht qe do jene te papërshkrueshme, por disa mund te mendojnë edhe ndonjë çmenduri te vogël. Për beqaret do jete një dite e zakonshme dhe pa asgjë te veçante. Gjithsesi miqtë nuk do i lënë ata te mërziten. Ne planin financiar Plutoni do ju beje me te kthjellet.
Lovers will face successive surprises during the day . Emotions certainly will be indescribable , but some may also feel a small distraction . For single women would one day be common and nothing special . Anyway friends would not leave them to get bored . In financial plan with Pluto will make you sober .
In E-Sim we have a huge, living world, which is a mirror copy of the Earth.
Well, maybe not completely mirrored, because the balance of power in this virtual world looks a bit
different than in real life. In E-Sim, USA does not have to be a world superpower, It can be
managed as a much smaller country that has entrepreneurial citizens that support it's foundation.
Everything depends on the players themselves and how they decide to shape the political map of the
Work for the good of your country and
see it rise to an empire.
Activities in this game are divided into several modules.
First is the economy as a citizen in a country of your choice you must work to earn money, which you
will get to spend for example, on food or purchase of weapons which are critical for your progress
as a fighter.
You will work in either private companies which are owned by players or government companies which
are owned by the state.
After progressing in the game you will finally get the opportunity to set up your
own business and hire other players. If it prospers, we can even change it into a joint-stock
company and enter the stock market and get even more money in this way.
In E-Sim, international wars are nothing out of the ordinary.
"E-Sim is one of the most unique browser games out there"
Become an influential politician.
The second module is a politics. Just like in real life politics
in E-Sim are an extremely powerful tool that can be used for your own purposes.
From time to time there are elections in the game in which you will not only vote, but also have the ability
to run for the head of the party you're in.
You can also apply for congress, where once elected you will be given the right to vote on laws
proposed by your fellow congress members or your president and propose laws yourself.
Voting on laws is important for your country as it can shape the lives of those around you.
You can also try to become the head of a given party, and even take part in presidential
elections and decide on the shape of the foreign policy of a given state
(for example, who to declare war on).
Career in politics is obviously not easy and in order to succeed in it, you have to have
a good plan and compete for the votes of voters.
You can go bankrupt or become a rich man while playing the stock market.
The international war.
The last and probably the most important module is military.
In E-Sim, countries are constantly fighting each other for control
over territories which in return grant them access to more valuable raw materials.
For this purpose, they form alliances, they fight international wars, but they also have
to deal with, for example, uprisings in conquered countries or civil wars, which may explode on
their territory.
You can also take part in these clashes, although you are also given the opportunity to lead a life
as a pacifist
who focuses on other activities in the game (for example, running a successful newspaper or selling
At the auction you can sell or buy your dream inventory.
E-Sim is a unique browser game.
It's creators ensured realistic representation of the mechanisms present
in the real world and gave all power to the players who shape the image of the virtual Earth
according to their own.
So come and join them and help your country achieve its full potential.
Invest, produce and sell - be an entrepreneur in E-Sim.
Take part in numerous events for the E-Sim community.