Esim - 新手每日任务攻略

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world heroes



新手每日任务攻略 (Statistics)
Posted 10 years ago by
world heroes    

攻略不容易 麻烦大家点右上角的“订阅”和“赞”让更多需要的人看到 谢谢

新人注册:注册页面第一行填账号 第二行填邮箱 第三行填密码

切换汉化版:第一次进游戏默认是英语 点左上角的change language选中国国旗就变成汉化版的了 本来有简体字版可惜被管理员弄没了

这游戏的任务是可以积累的 今天完不成明天可以继续 一直到你完成



1 找一份工作 (左上角有提示 当然选择薪水最高的工作了)
2 本日进行工作 (点下面的进行工作键就完成了 薪水马上到手1天1次)
3 本日进行训练 (也是左上角提示)
4 战场打三下 (点左边是支持左边国家 不清楚可以选择去训练场打)
5 用武器打 (中间有选择Q1到Q5的枪 选择Q1打一下吧)
6 穿上装备 (在装备选项的最下面点下装备按键就行)
7 上传头像 (小于200K的JPG图 三排密码按要求全填好 缺一不可)
注意:想压级抢章的话从这里开始 做双击党 抢章:在战场输出的双方的第一名都可以获得一枚勋章=5g(每一场产生2枚) 8级以下可以进入训练场抢章有优势 8级以上(包括8级)不能进训练场
8 飞国家首都 (选择 中国 east china 下面的机票选择Q5 体力多可选Q1二区注意:建议先完成任务10再飞 )
9 获得一个军衔 (去训练场打几下就好 输出越高军衔涨得越快 每撸一下等级经验固定涨1点 )
10 买礼物和武器 (在市场选择Q1各买2个礼物和2把枪 就是一颗星的)
11 获得下士军衔 (继续去训练场撸吧)
12 将食物礼物耗尽(左边中间点开消耗品显示有两排把使用上限10用完)
13 认证你注册邮箱里的邮件
14 获得中士军衔 (去训练场撸吧 下同)
15 今天打50下 (合理利用任务体力全恢复很重要)


16 第二天上班 (左上角有辞去职务 下面有开始工作按键)
17 发一条留言 (点右上角的地球 中间有提示说些什么吧 随便写)
18 外汇市场买0.5G(注意看购进卖场 切换点上面的交换货币种类买)
19 竞拍一件装备 (随便选件马上到时间又便宜的吧 反正还要卖掉)
20 拍卖自己的一件装备 (不想卖的话可以在我的领域我的拍卖里取消)
21 在市场上卖出100谷物 (前面任务送了谷物 直接卖就好 也可以取消)
22 获得上士军衔 (继续训练场撸吧)
23 在市场上买50把Q1枪(钱不够要么借人要么卖黄金 要么自己慢慢攒 注:必须一次性买入50把才能完成)
24 获得上士军衔 (撸啊撸)


25 第三天上工
26 第三天的训练
27 点个赞 (随便在首页选一条点开上面点订阅和点赞吧)
28 订阅系统新闻点击:订阅管理员报纸
29 申请加入一个军团
30 今天撸三十下
31 获得士官长军衔
32 再买一件装备
33 疯狂乱打一次 (其实是要撸五次的疯狂乱打也就是25次啊有木有)

33 上班
34 训练
35 去留言板发言(也就是前面一样的留言)
36 在战斗中打出两个暴击
37 加个好友 (随便点击个人的名字 右上角一排里面有加好友选项)
38 装备5把枪发动疯狂乱打一次
39 去报纸发评论
40 申请加入一个政党


41 上班和训练
42 升级到九级 (撸一下一经验 慢慢撸吧)
43 回复留言板的留言
44 购买类固醇 (效果24小时内攻击提高20% 有副作用)
45 战场上撸五下
46 又一次把使用上限撸到零(任务完成体力全恢复)
47 全副武装(似乎是全身装备齐全就完成 混到现在的基本上木问题)
48 在留言板上给别人点个“赞”
49 台上十分钟 台下十年功(任务就直接完成了 具体任务内容木看到)
50 踏出国门(一般都不会宅在国内吧 要知道国外薪水高啊)
51 在国外战斗(出国战斗就完成了 具体内容也木看到 直接完成了)
52 回归祖国 (前面任务有送Q5机票 任务完成体力全恢复)
53 发送“邀请朋友”链接给一个朋友
54 激励新人 (在统计选项的新公民里给他们送东西)
55 发一条私信 (右上角信封模样的选项 输入对方的名字内容发送完成)
56 订阅一份报纸


57 上班和训练
58 添加3个外国朋友 (点击一个外国人的名字 右上角一排有加好友按键)
59 激励新人送个礼物 (同54 不过是指定送礼物)
60 再一次用光食物礼品栏上限次数(同12 任务奖励一个医疗包)
61 使用一个医疗包(和使用食物礼品一样 恢复两栏的10次上限)
62 在一轮战斗中输出150000的伤害(注意:必须是一轮战斗中完成)
63 在拍卖中胜过三名竞争者
64 获取一个新的成就(建议去外汇市场挂单买进和卖出黄金各一次就完成新的成就 完成后可以取消挂单)

大家的订阅支持 是我以后更新最大的动力
另:需要一区链接可以找我 欢迎想和我一样双账户双服务器的玩家一起赚G

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游戏赚钱之道 (10 years ago)

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About the game:

USA as a world power? In E-Sim it is possible!

In E-Sim we have a huge, living world, which is a mirror copy of the Earth. Well, maybe not completely mirrored, because the balance of power in this virtual world looks a bit different than in real life. In E-Sim, USA does not have to be a world superpower, It can be efficiently managed as a much smaller country that has entrepreneurial citizens that support it's foundation. Everything depends on the players themselves and how they decide to shape the political map of the game.

Work for the good of your country and see it rise to an empire.

Activities in this game are divided into several modules. First is the economy as a citizen in a country of your choice you must work to earn money, which you will get to spend for example, on food or purchase of weapons which are critical for your progress as a fighter. You will work in either private companies which are owned by players or government companies which are owned by the state. After progressing in the game you will finally get the opportunity to set up your own business and hire other players. If it prospers, we can even change it into a joint-stock company and enter the stock market and get even more money in this way.

In E-Sim, international wars are nothing out of the ordinary.

"E-Sim is one of the most unique browser games out there"

Become an influential politician.

The second module is a politics. Just like in real life politics in E-Sim are an extremely powerful tool that can be used for your own purposes. From time to time there are elections in the game in which you will not only vote, but also have the ability to run for the head of the party you're in. You can also apply for congress, where once elected you will be given the right to vote on laws proposed by your fellow congress members or your president and propose laws yourself. Voting on laws is important for your country as it can shape the lives of those around you. You can also try to become the head of a given party, and even take part in presidential elections and decide on the shape of the foreign policy of a given state (for example, who to declare war on). Career in politics is obviously not easy and in order to succeed in it, you have to have a good plan and compete for the votes of voters.

You can go bankrupt or become a rich man while playing the stock market.

The international war.

The last and probably the most important module is military. In E-Sim, countries are constantly fighting each other for control over territories which in return grant them access to more valuable raw materials. For this purpose, they form alliances, they fight international wars, but they also have to deal with, for example, uprisings in conquered countries or civil wars, which may explode on their territory. You can also take part in these clashes, although you are also given the opportunity to lead a life as a pacifist who focuses on other activities in the game (for example, running a successful newspaper or selling products).

At the auction you can sell or buy your dream inventory.

E-Sim is a unique browser game. It's creators ensured realistic representation of the mechanisms present in the real world and gave all power to the players who shape the image of the virtual Earth according to their own. So come and join them and help your country achieve its full potential.

Invest, produce and sell - be an entrepreneur in E-Sim.

Take part in numerous events for the E-Sim community.

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