Esim - Neue Slowenische Kunst miconation

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Neue Slowenische Kunst miconation (Political)
Posted 11 years ago by


Neue Slowenische Kunst miconation

Ideologija i struktura Neue Slowenische Kunst Laibach je objavio ustav o ulogama i dužnostima članova NSK . Dokument je popis od dvadeset i jednog izvješća od NSK unutarnjem knjizi zakona . Ironija popis zakona koji reguliraju jedan pokret umjetnost
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Neue Slowenische Kunst ( Nova slovenska Art ) jeskupina umjetnika ( od raznih talenata i interesa ) koji je odigrao ključnu ulogu u propasti ? Starih svjetskih načine ? , Pomaganje u neovisnost što je danas Slovenija . NSK utjelovljuje sve umjetničke talente i medije , s
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Neue Slowenische Kunst , na čelu s Laibach , redefinirala uvjete kretanja i institucije s obzirom na umjetnost . Dok pokreti inherentno strukturirani , još uvijek bi dopustio određenu količinu slobode i interpretacije . Dva postmodernistički projekti utjelovljuju različite koncepte i estetska načela
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Joanne Richardson : Neue Slowenische Kunst ( NSK ) osnovan je početkom 1980-ih u ​​Sloveniji od diskretnih skupine Laibach , čiji je glazbeni nastupi izlagao fanatičnog prekomjerne identifikacije sa totalitarnih rituala ,vizualne umjetnosti grupa Irwin , čija montaža slike suprotstavljene fašističke i komunističke simbole s avangardi avangardne
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Korištenje ove slike u članku (a) Neue Slowenische Kunst je pregledao Kaiba na 04:15 , 12. veljače 2008 ( UTC ) i smatrat će vjerojatno zadovoljiti Wikipedia politiku na ne - slobodno licenciranog sadržaja , kao što se vjeruje da bi pokrila sve kriteriji kao što je opisano u Wikipediji : Non - slobodni kriterija sadržaj
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i na " Neue Slowenische Kunst " (2002 ), objavila je naširoko o pitanjima medija / neto kulturi / umjetnosti u međunarodnim časopisima i knjigama . - Dodaj ovu stranicu u vaše omiljene Social Bookmarking web stranice Facebook ! MySpace ! Reddit ! ! Mixx ! Google ! StumbleUpon ! Yahoo!
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univerzalno stanje bez teritoriju Neue Slowenische Kunst je izabrao da se utjeloviti u Pionir Outpost gradova Melbourne i Wellington . Instalirani u lipnju 2005 , NSK -a Australasian prisutnost je do sada koncentriran na izgradnji microsensitive mreže političkih - osobna snaga , razvija nastajanju neo - kulturni
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>> Neue Slowenische Kunst je nastao u ranim 1980-ih u ​​Sloveniji od diskretnih skupine Laibach , čiji glazbeni nastupi izlagao fanatičnog prekomjerne identifikacije sa totalitarnih rituala ,vizualne umjetnosti grupa Irwin , čiji je montaža
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NSK ( Neue Slowenische Kunst ) je prvi svjetski univerzalni stanje . To je veći od Europske unije , moćniji od NATO-a , brojniji od Vatikana . NSK je uspostavila teritorij bez geografskim , nacionalnim ili kulturnim granicama .
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Neue Slowenische Kunst ( New Slovenian Art ) , NSK jezajednički poduhvat s nizom ticala :likovne umjetnosti skupine poznate kao Irwin, a " Cosmo - kinetical " kazališne skupine pod nazivom Noordung , "New Kollectivism " grafički dizajn dijelu , a većina intrigantno ,
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na početku ,estetski princip " Neue Slowenische Kunst " bio protiv rasvijetliti : To nije izlagaojedan milimetar vjera u hladnom snagom racionalnosti . To jeizazivanje političke -ideološki sustav koji se temelji na patetične antifašizma , ali koja " ostaje nijem kada je
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Neue Slowenische Kunst ( NSK ) art kolektiv , od kojih je bio jedan od osnivača 1984 . Naziv " Laibach " jenjemački naziv za glavni grad Slovenije , Ljubljani . Ovaj glazbenik članak jedopuniti . Možete pomoći Wikiknjiga tako da širi
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Ideology and Structure of the Neue Slowenische Kunst Laibach has published a constitution about the roles and duties of NSK members. The document is a list of twenty-one statements from the NSK Internal Book of Laws. The irony of a List of Laws that govern an art movement
The Neue Slowenische Kunst (New Slovene Art) is a group of artists (of various talents and interests) that has been instrumental in the demise of ?old world ways?, aiding in the independence of what is now Slovenia. The NSK embodies all artistic talents and media, with
The Neue Slowenische Kunst, led by Laibach, has redefined the terms of movement and institution with respect to art. While movements are inherently structured, they still allow for a certain amount of freedom and interpretation. Two post-modernist projects can embody different concepts and aesthetic principles
Joanne Richardson: Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK) was formed in the early 1980s in Slovenia from the discrete groups Laibach, whose musical performances exhibited a fanatical overidentification with totalitarian rituals, the visual arts group Irwin, whose montage paintings juxtaposed fascist and communist symbols with avant-garde
The use of this image in the article(s) Neue Slowenische Kunst was reviewed by Kaiba on 04:15, 12 February 2008 (UTC) and deemed likely to meet Wikipedia's policy on non-freely licensed content, as it is believed to meet all criteria as described in Wikipedia:Non-free content criteria
and on "Neue Slowenische Kunst" (2002) she has published widely on issues of media/net culture/art in international journals and books. - Add this page to your favorite Social Bookmarking websites Facebook! MySpace! Reddit!! Mixx! Google! StumbleUpon! Yahoo!
universal state without territory Neue Slowenische Kunst has chosen to incarnate itself in the pioneer outpost cities of Melbourne and Wellington. Installed in June of 2005, nSk's Australasian presence has till now concentrated on building microsensitive networks of political-personal strengths; developing emerging neo-cultural
>> Neue Slowenische Kunst was formed in the early 1980s in Slovenia from the discrete groups Laibach, whose musical performances exhibited a fanatical overidentification with totalitarian rituals, the visual arts group Irwin, whose montage
NSK (Neue Slowenische Kunst) is the world’s first universal state. It is larger than the European Union, more powerful than NATO, more populous than the Vatican. NSK has established a territory without geographical, national or cultural borders.
Neue Slowenische Kunst (New Slovenian Art), NSK is a collective endeavor with an array of tentacles: an fine art group known as Irwin, a “cosmo-kinetical” theater company called Noordung, the “New Kollectivism” graphic design section, and most intriguingly,
beginning, the aesthetic principle of 'Neue Slowenische Kunst' was anti-enlightening: It exhibited not a single millimeter belief in the cold power of rationality. It was a provocation of a political-ideological system based on pathetic anti-fascism, but which "remains mute when it
Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK) art collective, of which it was a founding member in 1984. The name "Laibach" is the German name for Slovenia's capital city, Ljubljana. This Musician article is a stub. You can help Wikiquote by expanding it

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