Esim - Nutopia Micronations

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Nutopia Micronations (Political)
Posted 10 years ago by


( Preusmjereno s Nutopia ) Skoči na: orijentacija , searchThis članak o John Lennon album . Za naslovnu pjesmu , vidjeti Mind Games ( pjesma ) . Za druge svrhe , vidi Mind Games ( razdvojba) . Mind Games Mind Games pokriti studijski album Johna Lennona
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tihi " Nutopian Međunarodni Anthem " bile jedine političke pjesme na albumu . U trenutku cheekiness , Mind Games je bliže , " Meso City " , sadrži omiljeni Lennon prokletstvo , ( " Jebi svinju ! " ) , Ubrzala i
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Zastava Nutopia ima samo jedna boja : bijela . Neki kritizirao ovu povezanost s predajom , ali Lennon i Ono branio tu udrugu , rekavši da je samo kroz predaju i kompromisa se ​​mir može postići . U2 je kasnije usvojio Nutopian zastavu kao dio
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Pečat Nutopia jeslika od morskih životinja iz istog imena , pečata . Pločica sa riječima " NUTOPIAN veleposlanstva " koja je uredno instalirana u svojoj kući u Dakoti . Yoko je napomenuo da gosti u njezinoj kući
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U 2006 ,Nutopia web stranica stvorena je Lions Gate Entertainment , producenti dokumentarcaSAD protiv Johna Lennona . Popis pjesama - Sve pjesme Johna Lennona , osim ako je drugačije navedeno . 1
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Izjava o Nutopia je stvorio 1. John Lennon travnja 1973
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Odanost Nutopia , pod čijom zastavom je bijela i čiji sustav vlasti bio je kozmički zakon . John i Yoko je također zatražio da Nutopia biti primljena u Ujedinjene narode . To sve proizlazi iz Ivana ? S problemima u tijeku useljavanja ,bitka
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Najava Nutopia uslijedila je uskoro nakon toga , 1. travnja ( April Fools Day ) , na konferenciji za novinare u New Yorku ( postoje fotografije koje su snimljene na taj dan Ivana i Yoko mašebijelim zastavama - zapravo tkiva - od Nutopia )
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NUTOPIA nema zemlje , nema granica , nema putovnice , samo ljudi . NUTOPIA nema druge nego kozmičke zakone . Svi ljudi NUTOPIA su ambasadori zemlje . Kao dva ambasadori NUTOPIA , tražimo diplomatski imunitet i
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Dobrodošli na Nutopia Flying Disc Federacije , ovo jeon-line dom NFDF konceptualnog zemlji Nutopia.We imati 22 stranice . Napravi jedan. * Zajednica * Projekti * Lennono
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NUTOPIA nema druge nego kozmičke zakone . Svi ljudi NUTOPIA su ambasadori zemlje . Kao dva ambasadori NUTOPIA , tražimo diplomatski imunitet i priznanje u Ujedinjenim narodima naše zemlje i njenih ljudi .
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Nutopia jezemlja koja je oduvijek postojala . To jeprava priroda svijeta koji postoji kada svaka osoba ima pravo biti slobodni i svi resursi našeg svijeta dijele jednako . John Lennon bio je
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U jednostavnim uvjetima , Nutopia je zemlja proglašenje Ljubav kao jednom jeziku i samo zakonom , i mira , jedinstva i iscjeljenja cijelog planeta kao svoj krajnji cilj . Imamo precizan i važnu misiju - da ozdravi i ujediniti svijet
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Središnja stanica i postatiNutopian ! Sada jevrijeme ! To jepoziv iz svih mirnim ratnika i čuvara Planetu . To jepoziv ! Kao što ćete čuti u glazbenom himnu koja je napisana za Nutopia , kažemo
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Dizajn Nutopia , kaže Jonathan Glancey , je kao inovativna kao tehnologije koje nudi se na Elegantni, glatki terminala Otkako je Stanley Kubrick je izdao svoj magistarski 2001 : Odiseja u svemiru ljudi su sanjali nastanjuju filma prehladiti interijere
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Nutopia je na 42 SheitonStreet , London WC2 . Hybrid Space je objavio Temze & Hudson , cijena 24,95
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Vrt je Piazza , Nutopia jeprijateljski mix interaktivnom rnedia umjetnosti prostora , chill - out zona i računalni laboratorij - slikaset frorn Kubricka iz 2001 ( minus Lippy računalo Hal ) , a vi ćete dobiti ideju . Od kave do umjetnosti
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Nutopia je jako puno u embrionalnom fazi , no direktor Grant Mitchell i IT direktor George Philippakos kako vjeruje da je "nebo granica " . Pa što , točno , to ova dvojica imaju rukave ?
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Nutopia jekonceptualni zemlja stvorio Johna Lennona i Yoko Ono na Prvi travnja 1973 . Ova zemlja ( ili nacija ) trebala živjeti do standarda koje je postavio pjesmu " Imagine "
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U službenoj izjavi za Nutopia , on je izjavio da " nema zemlje , nema granica , nema putovnice , samo ljudi . Nutopia nema druge nego kozmičke zakone
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Zastava Nutopia ima samo jedna boja : bijela . Pečat Nutopia jeslika od morskih životinja istog imena . " Nutopian Međunarodni Anthem " uvrštena je na Johna Lennona
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Pločica sa riječima " NUTOPIAN veleposlanstva " koja je uredno instalirana u svojoj kući u Dakoti . Smatra se da jecijela stvar bilaslagati na Lennona tijeku imigracije
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U 2006Nutopia web stranica stvorena je Lions Gate Entertainment , producenti dokumentarca "američkog Versus Johna Lennona . " kritika
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" Nutopia nema zemlje , nema granica , nema putovnice , samo ljudi . Nutopia nema druge nego kozmičke zakone . Svi ljudi Nutopia su ambasadori zemlje . Državljanstvo zemlje u kojoj se može dobiti izjave svog svijesti Nutopia . "
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Nutopia Forum prije dvije godine , kada je bilo samo 5 članova! On je dobio to znati grupu kroz pomoćnici krugovima i rad s Platon , i biti izabran za nastajanju umjetnika je sasvim zaslužena . Ako bilo što
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Glenn , jedan od osnivača Nutopia foruma , ima otvorom sutra navečer . Glenn povremeno će ugostiti Nutopia Forum na svom prvostupnika jastučić u Brooklynu natrag u dan . Priča se bilo je prigoda kada bi samo Andreas prikazati idva
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Ulica , WC2 , Nutopia jecybercaff odjeveni za Wallpaper generacije . Mjesto ima Philippe Starck ( kao u Starck govno - gol ) stolice, dva velika riba tenkova i 40 Apple flat - screen monitora . Evo nekoliko pohvala na web-mjestu : " Problematično
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Održava : nutopia_snacks ( 604Feedback rezultat je 500-999 ) Član jePowerSellerMember ima eBay Store Dobrodošli na Nutopia Snack tvrtke . Nudimo širok izbor sušenog voća i orašastih plodova kako bi odgovarao vašim potrebama
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EBay Store održava : nutopia_snacks ( 604Feedback rezultat je 500-999 ) Član jePowerSellerMember imaeBay Store prodavaca , upravljati Store | Saznajte više o hrani alati : Moji favoriti eBay
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Nutopia napisan oko 1997/8 , kada sam imao sobu na tvrđave Studios . Tvrđava je prilično mnogonajpopularnije mjesto u Londonu u to vrijeme . Svi pop zvijezde i poznate osobe kao što su Primal Scream , Kate Moss i Oasis visio vani
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Nutopia jezemlja koja postoji u svima nama . John i ja stvorio taj imaginarni svijet . Nazvali smo press konferenciju i stvara bijeli rupčić iz naših džepova i rekao: " To jezastava Prepustite se mir


(Redirected from Nutopia)Jump to: navigation, searchThis article is about the John Lennon album. For the title track, see Mind Games (song). For other uses, see Mind Games (disambiguation). Mind Games Mind Games cover Studio album by John Lennon
silent "Nutopian International Anthem" were the only political tracks on the album. In a moment of cheekiness, Mind Games's closer, "Meat City", contains a favourite Lennon curse, ("Fuck a pig!", sped up and
The flag of Nutopia has only one colour: white. Some criticised this association with surrender, but Lennon and Ono defended that association, saying that only through surrender and compromise can peace be achieved. U2 later adopted the Nutopian flag as a part of
The seal of Nutopia is a picture of the marine animal of the same name, a seal. A plaque engraved with the words "NUTOPIAN EMBASSY" was duly installed at their home at the Dakota. Yoko remarked that guests in her home
In 2006, a Nutopia website was created by Lions Gate Entertainment, the producers of the documentary The U.S. vs. John Lennon. Track listing - All songs by John Lennon, except where noted. 1
Declaration of Nutopia was created by John Lennon April 1st 1973
allegiance to Nutopia, whose flag was pure white and whose system of government was that of Cosmic Law. John and Yoko also requested that Nutopia be admitted to the United Nations. This all stemmed from John’s ongoing immigration problems, the battle
announcement of Nutopia came soon after this, on April 1 (April Fools Day), at a press conference in New York (there are photos that were taken on this day of John and Yoko waving the white flags-actually tissues-of Nutopia)
NUTOPIA has no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people. NUTOPIA has no laws other than cosmic. All people of NUTOPIA are ambassadors of the country. As two ambassadors of NUTOPIA, we ask for diplomatic immunity and
Welcome to the Nutopia Flying Disc Federation, This is the online home of the NFDF of the conceptual country of Nutopia.We have 22 pages. Make another one. * Community * Projects * Lennono
NUTOPIA has no laws other than cosmic. All people of NUTOPIA are ambassadors of the country. As two ambassadors of NUTOPIA, we ask for diplomatic immunity and recognition in the United Nations of our country and its people.
Nutopia is a land that has always existed. It is the true nature of the world that exists when each person is allowed to be free and all the resources of our world are shared equally. John Lennon was the
In simple terms, Nutopia is a land declaring Love as its one language and only Law, and peace, unity, and healing of the whole planet as its ultimate goal. We have a precise and important mission - TO HEAL AND UNITE THE WORLD
central station and become a Nutopian! Now is the time! This is the call out to all peaceful warriors and guardians of the Planet. This is the call! As you will hear in the musical Anthem that was written for Nutopia, we say
The design of Nutopia, says Jonathan Glancey, is as innovative as the technology it offers up on its sleek, streamlined terminals Ever since Stanley Kubrick released his magisterial 2001: A Space Odyssey people have dreamed of inhabiting the film's supercool interiors
Nutopia is at 42 SheitonStreet, London WC2. Hybrid Space is publishe

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USA as a world power? In E-Sim it is possible!

In E-Sim we have a huge, living world, which is a mirror copy of the Earth. Well, maybe not completely mirrored, because the balance of power in this virtual world looks a bit different than in real life. In E-Sim, USA does not have to be a world superpower, It can be efficiently managed as a much smaller country that has entrepreneurial citizens that support it's foundation. Everything depends on the players themselves and how they decide to shape the political map of the game.

Work for the good of your country and see it rise to an empire.

Activities in this game are divided into several modules. First is the economy as a citizen in a country of your choice you must work to earn money, which you will get to spend for example, on food or purchase of weapons which are critical for your progress as a fighter. You will work in either private companies which are owned by players or government companies which are owned by the state. After progressing in the game you will finally get the opportunity to set up your own business and hire other players. If it prospers, we can even change it into a joint-stock company and enter the stock market and get even more money in this way.

In E-Sim, international wars are nothing out of the ordinary.

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Become an influential politician.

The second module is a politics. Just like in real life politics in E-Sim are an extremely powerful tool that can be used for your own purposes. From time to time there are elections in the game in which you will not only vote, but also have the ability to run for the head of the party you're in. You can also apply for congress, where once elected you will be given the right to vote on laws proposed by your fellow congress members or your president and propose laws yourself. Voting on laws is important for your country as it can shape the lives of those around you. You can also try to become the head of a given party, and even take part in presidential elections and decide on the shape of the foreign policy of a given state (for example, who to declare war on). Career in politics is obviously not easy and in order to succeed in it, you have to have a good plan and compete for the votes of voters.

You can go bankrupt or become a rich man while playing the stock market.

The international war.

The last and probably the most important module is military. In E-Sim, countries are constantly fighting each other for control over territories which in return grant them access to more valuable raw materials. For this purpose, they form alliances, they fight international wars, but they also have to deal with, for example, uprisings in conquered countries or civil wars, which may explode on their territory. You can also take part in these clashes, although you are also given the opportunity to lead a life as a pacifist who focuses on other activities in the game (for example, running a successful newspaper or selling products).

At the auction you can sell or buy your dream inventory.

E-Sim is a unique browser game. It's creators ensured realistic representation of the mechanisms present in the real world and gave all power to the players who shape the image of the virtual Earth according to their own. So come and join them and help your country achieve its full potential.

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