Esim - Saugeais Micronation

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Saugeais Micronation (Political)
Posted 10 years ago by


Republika Saugeais ( franc. La République du Saugeais ) jedugovječni samoproglašene micronation nalazi u istočnoj Francuskoj , u département Doubs . Republika obuhvaća 11 općine Les saveznika, Arcon , Bugny , La Chaux -de- Gilleya , Gilleya , Hauterive - la- Fresse , La Longeville , Montflovin ,
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Saugeais ili Sauget jegeografska cjelina sastavljena od jedanaest općina iz Haut- Doubs u Francuskoj zajedno u kršten narodne republike ' Slobodne Republike Saugeais ' . Montbenoît jeglavni grad ove ' republike ' od 125 km ² .
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Besplatno Republika Saugeais se nalazi u gornjem dolini rijeke Doubs , područje poznato kao Val Sauget od XII stoljeća . Republika se sastoji od 11 općina u Les saveznika, Arcon , Bugny , La Chaux -de- Gilleya , Gilleya , Hauterive - la- la , Fresne Longeville ,
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Republika Saugeais ima novog predsjednika , kako je izvijestio Agence France Presse (AFP ) 30. siječnja 2006 . Vijeće nekih 30 predstavnika iz jedanaest sela formiranjeRepublika okupili u Montbenoît , glavni grad Republike Hrvatske, i izabranih gospođu
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Republika Saugeais ima zastavu , ruke i himnu . Zastava je okomito podijeljena crno-crveno - žute , u omjeru 02:03 , s grbom u sredini crvenom trakom . Ruke su četvrtine : prvo ,žuta Crozier na crveno , drugo ,
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Ranije zastava Republike Saugeais je bijela s grbom Republike u središtu i writinh République du Saugeais . Grb Republike Suageais dizajnirao je pukovnik Henri de Saint- Ferjeux 1973
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Ovo skijalište na granici Švicarske , koji se nazivaju Saugeais Republika , nalazi se između gradova Morteau i Pontarlier . Saugeais područje nudi više od 200 km cross - country staza (uključujući i " Grande Traversée du Jura " ) , snijeg staza, saonice područja , dugoj vožnji ili konj -driven saonice vožnje
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Republika Saugeais je u okviru WikiProject Francuskoj ,pokušaj da se izgradi cjelovit i detaljan vodič za Francusku na Wikipediji . Ako želite sudjelovati , molimo vas da se uključe u projekt i pomoći s našim otvorenim zadacima . iskrčiti
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du Saugeais ) jedugovječni samoproglašene micronation nalazi u istočnoj Francuskoj , u département Doubs . Republika obuhvaća 11 općine Les saveznika, Arcon , Bugny , La Chaux -de- Gilleya , Gilleya , Hauterive - la- Fresne , La Longeville , Montflovin , Maisons -du- Bois- Lièvremont , Ville -du- Pont, i njegova kapitala Montbenoît .
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Najbolji način da se u republici Le Saugeais je uzeti EasyJet let u Ženevi ( ) , a zatim pokupiti najam automobila za dva sata ( 90 milja ) putovanje cestom . Gdje ostati dvije noći polupansion boravak za dvije osobe u Chez Colina motel (0033 381
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Saugeais Valley , koji je postavljen u francuskim Alpama u blizini švicarske granice , izvijestioŠkot . Madame Pourchet samo preselio na područje u dobi od 25 godina sa suprugom, Georges . Par je u vlasništvu hotela u Montbenoit , koji
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Ne morate se brinuti ?République du Saugeais ima svoj jezik čvrsto uronjeno u svoj obraz . ? ? Za osamostaljivanje , ? povjerava premijera , ? ljudi uvijek moraju umrijeti . To ? ? Szadnje što želimo ! ? ? Tu ? ? Samo jedna stvar u ovoj maloj dolini koja ? ? S nijesmijao
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samo tužna stvar o République du Saugeais je da postoji ? ? s ni na koji način vas ? ponovno sve će doći na uzorku sve kulinarske blaga karakterističnih za ovu regiju . Ali, hej , nema mjesta nije savršen .
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osnovana je 1947Besplatno Republika Saugeais je hvalio predsjednika, premijera, carinike i nacionalnu himnu . Sadamaleni , malo poznata nezavisna država u istočnoj Francuskoj je gurnuta u prvi plan nakon smrti njegova voljena
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Mme Pourchet je uređeno Saugeais za više od 30 godina i bio je zaslužan što je beznačajne države do šire javnosti . Pod njezinim predsjedanjemnovčanice je objavljen u 1997 ifrancuski Postal Service slavio republiku s pečatom 1987 .
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Tijekom svečanostiSaugeais himna pjeva u lokalnom dijalektu po vatrogascima iz Gilleya , selu opisao Saugets kao ekonomski kapital republike . "Zahvaljujući njoj smo imali puno televizijski prijenos , " rekao je Louis Perrey , glavni tajnik Republièko
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G. Pourchet je umro 1968 , a četiri godine Saugeais imali predsjednika . Gospođa Pourchet mirovini u 1970 i proveo dvije godine pomažežupnik obnoviti samostan . Ona je izabran za predsjednika Saugeais za život u 1972 njezinog kolege


The Republic of Saugeais (French: La République du Saugeais) is a long-lived self-proclaimed micronation located in eastern France, in the département of Doubs. The republic comprises the 11 municipalities of Les Alliés, Arçon, Bugny, La Chaux-de-Gilley, Gilley, Hauterive-la-Fresse, La Longeville, Montflovin,
The Saugeais or Sauget is a geographical entity made up of eleven communes of the Haut-Doubs in France joined together in a baptized folk republic 'free Republic of Saugeais'. Montbenoît is the capital of this 'republic' of 125 km ².
The Free Republic of Saugeais is located in the upper valley of the river Doubs, an area known as Val Sauget since the XIIth century. The republic is made of the 11 municipalities of Les Alliés, Arçon, Bugny, La Chaux-de-Gilley, Gilley, Hauterive-la-Fresne, la Longeville,
The Republic of Saugeais has a new President, as reported by Agence France Presse (AFP) on 30 January 2006. A council of some 30 representatives from the eleven villages forming the Republic gathered in Montbenoît, the capital of the Republic, and elected Mrs.
The Republic of Saugeais has a flag, arms and an anthem. The flag is vertically divided black-red-yellow, in proportion 2:3, with the coat of arms in the middle of the red stripe. The arms are quartered: first, a yellow crozier on red; second, a
An earlier flag of the Republic of Saugeais is white with the coat of arms of the Republic in the center and the writinh République du Saugeais. The coat of arms of the Republic of Suageais was designed by Colonel Henri de Saint-Ferjeux in 1973
This ski area bordering Switzerland, also called Saugeais Republic, is located between the cities of Morteau and Pontarlier. The Saugeais area offers more than 200 km of cross-country trails (including the "Grande Traversée du Jura", snowshoeing trails, sled areas, dogsled rides or horse-driven sled rides
Republic of Saugeais is within the scope of WikiProject France, an attempt to build a comprehensive and detailed guide to France on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please join the project and help with our open tasks. Stub
du Saugeais) is a long-lived self-proclaimed micronation located in eastern France, in the département of Doubs. The republic comprises the 11 municipalities of Les Alliés, Arçon, Bugny, La Chaux-de-Gilley, Gilley, Hauterive-la-Fresne, La Longeville, Montflovin, Maisons-du-Bois-Lièvremont, Ville-du-Pont, and its capital Montbenoît.
The best way to get to the republic of Le Saugeais is to take an easyJet flight to Geneva (, then pick up a hire car for the two-hour (90-mile) journey by road. Where to stay A two-night half-board stay for two at Chez Colin guesthouse (0033 381
Saugeais Valley, which is set in the French Alps near the Swiss border, The Scotsman reported. Madame Pourchet only moved to the area at the age of 25 with her husband, Georges. The couple owned a hotel in Montbenoit, which
nothing to worry about—the République du Saugeais has its tongue implanted firmly in its cheek. “To gain independence,” confides the Prime Minister, “people always have to die. That’s the last thing we want!” There’s only one thing in this little valley that’s not a laughing
the only sad thing about the République du Saugeais is that there’s no way you’re ever going to get to sample all the culinary treasures particular to this region. But hey, no place is perfect.
founded in 1947 the Free Republic of Saugeais has boasted a president, a prime minister, customs officers and a national anthem. Now the tiny, little-known independent state in eastern France has been thrust into the limelight following the death of its beloved
Mme Pourchet had governed Saugeais for more than 30 years and was credited with having introduced the minuscule state to a wider public. Under her presidency a banknote was released in 1997 and the French postal service celebrated the republic with a stamp in 1987.
During the ceremony the Saugeais national anthem was sung in local dialect by the fire brigade from Gilley, a village described by Saugets as the republic's economic capital. "Thanks to her we had lots of television coverage," said Louis Perrey, the republic's general secretary
Mr Pourchet died in 1968, and for four years Saugeais had no president. Mrs Pourchet retired in 1970 and spent two years helping the parish priest restore the abbey. She was elected president of Saugeais for life in 1972 by her fellow
Under her rule, visitors to Saugeais were required to pass through customs, and needed an official laissez-passer to enter the republic. This pass was decorated with a ribbon in the Saugeais colours and seal delivered by the president.
Saugeais, Republic of- Saugeais is a region in the French Department of Montbenoit. During the 12th century, the local seigneur granted a significant degree of self-rule to the inhabitants. In 1947, the inhabitants reasserted their privileges, declaring themselves an
called, “the free republic of saugeais” that no one has ever heard of, let alone knows where it is - but since i don’t know anything about it, i guess i’ll talk about the “grande braderie de lille” that takes place every year in the north of france

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The international war.

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