官方的17条法规 ,还有
1. You are allowed to have only one citizen account. Violating this law will result in permanent ban of all your accounts.
If You share IP address or PC with another player, a Game Operator must be notified. In case like this, You are not allowed to have any transactions to each other.
如果你跟其他人共用一个IP或一台电脑,必须联系一个 Game Operator 备案。在线备案地址 同IP、同电脑的帐号之间不能有任何可疑的经济往来。
Q. 我能开小号吗?
A. 绝对不行,开小号必死,不要抱有任何侥幸心理。如果你的小号现在没死,那么死不死只是时间问题。
Q. 我只要向 Game Operator 备案了,就可以光明正大地开小号了?
A. ……我会杀了你的。
Q. 我原来有个帐号,想重新注册一个帐号,或者重新接手一个帐号玩,怎么办?
A. 可以,但是要马上联系 Game Operator 把老号封掉,不然可能被迅速封号。
2. All contents (comments, articles, avatars, citizen, company names, etc.) published by users cannot contain pornography, racism, flaming or anything that is classified as abusive.
All content posted/owned by the users must be classified as legal. Posting any content which can be classified as: pornography, racism, flaming, vulgar, insultive etc. is forbidden and will be deleted. If a player continues to post the abusive content he/she will be warned and than a temporary ban may be applied.
3. Using bots or automated software to play the game is strictly forbidden.
Using any sort of software or add-ons which work automatically eg.: auto-fighting scripts, mass message scripts, auto train/work scripts etc. is prohibited and will lead to a permanent ban.
4. Exploiting bugs will result in permanent ban. Note, that you get gold and special medal for each bug found in the game.
利用系统bug将会导致封禁。请注意,当你报告每个bug时你可以得到一个Tester章和5[currency]gold/currency] 。
Exploiting any bugs or errors is prohibited. Players will be penalised for breaking this rule depending on the scale of the exploit. The penalty can vary from temporary ban up to permanent ban.
Q. 我发现了bug,怎么拿Tester章?
A. 请到
Ticket系统 汇报Bug。
5. Selling and buying ingame accounts, gold, items, currencies (in exchange of other items in other games or rl money) is forbidden and may lead into permanent ban.
Exchanging anything between the games or real life money is not allowed. This also includes exchanging votes between the games. Shouts with promoting or advertising the exchange will be deleted and the user might be temporarily banned. If there is a proof that there has been an exchange the accounts will be banned permanently without any warnings.
Q. 我正在玩某著名的同类网页游戏,要e-sim的Gold没用啊,我想拿它换那边的Gold/M。
A. 不行,要是被抓到证据发现一次,后果很严重,就是双方永久封号,没有申诉解封的可能性。
6. Citizens take responsibility for all their actions and all content their publish. Any real life law violations will be forwarded to proper security forces.
All citizens are responsible for any actions they make. Excuses such as it was a family member breaking the laws are not valid. Citizen account is responsible for the actions, not the person managing them.
7. Inviting other players only to exploit them is forbidden (e.g. forcing them to work for minimum salary or donate you their money to you )
In other words boosting citizen accounts in any way is prohibited. Administration is not concerned whether a citizen is boosting another citizen by favour or by good will. Citizens are allowed to work for minimal salary, but they MUST receive a payment through donate at least once per week and the payment should match the salary for that particular work skill. Citizens found breaking this rule can be fined for the amount which they received up to a permanent ban.
Q. 我想招黑工,要注意什么?
A. 最好每天发一次市价工资,不然可能会有麻烦。
Q. 我7技能的工人他自己要求开5CNY的工资,可以吗?
A. 不行,这个工资太低了,算奴隶工,必须按市价开至少15CNY的工资。
Q. 这游戏太无聊了,我不玩了,我把钱全部扔给我上线。
A. 不行,这样你是在暗杀你上线。你可以把钱捐国库,也可以自己留着。
Q. 我下线把钱全部扔我了,怎么办啊?
A. 马上把钱退回去,不然你会有麻烦的。
8. Giving your account to any other person who already has an account is forbidden (account sitting)
You are only allowed to play with you own account. Training or working for a friend is strictly prohibited. If you know that you might be having a friend visiting your house you are strongly advised to notify a staff about it or fill the shared IP form.
Q. 那我出门在外不能双击要断工作断训练啊,怎么办啊?
A. 你可以用手机双击,也可以让没玩过这游戏的人帮你双击,比如父母。
9. You may not publish personal information about any e-sim citizen
Publishing any personal information such as: real-life names, addresses, telephone numbers, emails, pictures etc. is strictly prohibited. Due to the fact the e-Sim cares about the privacy of our players, anyone found breaking this rules will be penalised immediately.
10. Insulting, threatening, abusing or petitioning administration team with false or trivial issues is forbidden and will result in permanent ban.
Any type of abuse towards the administration team will be penalised. Depending on the purpose/type of the abuse citizens breaking this law can be banned temporarily or permanently.
11. It is forbidden to post any information (especially spam) which is not directly associated with the game.
Posting any content which is classified as spam will be removed. The following things are classified as spam:
Articles: sub for sub, offering items for subs/votes, external advertising
Comments: article links, sub for sub, external advertising
Shouts: sub for sub, external advertising, repeating the same shout or repeating the shout with similar content/meaning
文章:sub for sub,派包只用于换sub/vote,外部广告
评论:文章链接,sub for sub,外部广告
shout:sub for sub,外部广告,重复自己的shout 。
12. We reserve the right to ban any user from the game.
Even the rules exists, all bans must have an appropriate reason and there will be no citizen banned for no reason.
13. We reserve the right to change any aforementioned laws.
14. It is forbidden to convince people to click on advertisements.
15. Stealing properties from national orgs is illegal.
Stealing any items/currencies from the National Organizations is forbidden. Using the organizations to boost personal accounts/armies or refilling them is also not allowed.
16. Frauding money/properties from stock companies is illegal.
17. Breaking any of those laws may result in: permanent ban, temporary ban, gold fine, deleting content, warning.
Q. 我的帐号被封了,我该怎么办?
A. 首先请反思你有没有做过见不得人的事情,不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门,如果你确定你是冤枉的,那么请上IRC找封你的那个人或者Super Game Operator,或者找wuliaodjq,或者去论坛发帖申诉。记住,给Admin发邮件是完全没用的。
Q. 我是罪人,被封以后我想重新注册一个帐号玩,或者接手一个帐号玩,可以吗?
A. 完全可以,这种情况等同于新玩家,不需要备案。
App.A 经济相关
Q. 参加投资有什么需要注意的地方?
A. 投资方请发90天无息贷款合同给集资方,不要直接D钱;集资方一定要在报纸上发表集资文章,以及日后的分红文章,这样日后万一有麻烦被封可以迅速解封。
Q. 贷款具体要怎么操作啊?
A. 用合同,具体步骤请查看新手教程相关章节。千万不要直接Donate。
App.B 黑市相关
Q. 黑市地址?
A. irc:
irc 不会用IRC的自己去网上找教程。为了防止被骗,请仔细阅读频道主题。
Q. 我在黑市交易被骗了!怎么办啊?
A. 没办法,黑市不是白市,管理员管不着,而且骗子并没违反上述任何律法,所以请记住下次一定要用合同交易。
Q. 不行,我一定要骗回来。
A. 如果你不想名声扫地的话,这当然可以。
Q. 我想unsub,怎么办?
A. 封了你。
新人福利 每等级福利只能申请一次,恕不补发
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