1-Use all food fights daily
2-Buy q1 weapons/ avoid using higher quality weps
3-Join a Military Unit and fight the orders
4-Work in a commune
5-Work with a donated salary
6-Try to make money in battles
7-Buy from #SeTrade IRC channel
8-Use tickets
9-Use tickets wisely
10-Use CC/gold wisely
11-Get BH medal early in battles
12-Take advantage of your time zone
13-Fight near the end of a battle
14-When going for BH medals don't be optimistic
15-Workplace travel
16-Stock up n' hit
17-Buy weapons as late as possible
18-Create your own supplies
Hello my fellow eAustralians,
This marks the longest article published in sAustralia and probably Secura with a nice 9.7k characters (including HTML codes)! I apologize for the long article and spamming two articles in a day but I wanted to get this one before day 30 (dubbed the "first great gold influx"
and I feel it will be useful to some.
If you haven't left yet, today I wish to give you all a few tips that may help you maximize your damage, some tips are more advanced than other and the list will be roughly organized in terms of level of complexity. Maximizing damage is important because it means more rank-ups which mean more BH medals which means more gold which means more gold (via companies) which means a stronger country! Let's dive right in!
1-Use all food fights daily: Obviously try to use up all 10 or 15 of your food fights daily, the same cannot be said for gifts useless you can afford it every day, they should be saved for BHs (buy 1/day or something). Even if you hit without weapons it is worth using all food hits.
2-Buy q1 weapons/ avoid using higher quality weps: hitting with nothing reduces your damage 50%! Hitting with a q1 weapons increases it 20% meaning that a q1 hit is 70% greater than a q0 hit-- this increase is MASSIVE. Also, unless you are very rich q1 weapons are better if you are avoiding to fight empty-handed (50 q1 hits > 30 q3 hits + 20 q0 hits), due to the fact they are much cheaper-- think of long-term damage as you can afford more q1 weps than q1< weps meaning more damage. However, if there is an important battle q1< weapons are worth it!
3-Join a Military Unit and fight for orders: 5% to 20% (depending on MU level) more damage may not seem like a large bonus but it adds up quickly if you do (20 hits in novice MU = dmg of 21 normal hits and 20 hits in elite MU = dmg of 24 normal hits). The bouns is worth it- always even considering a 50 gold entry fee.
4-Work in a commune: For those that don't know, communes are work systems were products are directly donated to you instead of buying them yourself after you work for them for minimum wage (1CC), they are almost uniquely associated with MUs however there are a few independents ones. The reason you *normally* will get more supplies is due to the fact you don't need to pay as many taxes or pass by as many people; you largely dodge the 20% income tax with the 1CC/day salary, completely dodge the product taxes, and you don't need to pay a player to sell at a profit (unless your MU leader is cashing in).
5-Work with a donated salary: An alternative, slightly more risky and worst way to do this is have an employer that pay your salary through donation (preferably in gold to dodge worker's tax). As opposed to a commune, you'll still have to pay for player profit and product tax but you get the advantage of a considerably higher salary due to the dodged 20% income tax (in sAustralia).
6-Try to make money in battles: It is possible, with much effort, to turn a profit fighting in obscure RWs and getting BH medals (try to hit as near to the end of a battle as possible) and 5
Gold which will make it easier to get weapons and rank up which in turn will make it easier to do more damage and get more BH medals. If getting BH medals is too hard (it is for a bunch of people), then try (as much as possible) to fight harder in subsided battles that way you can recoup part of the costs of the weapons and foods. An extra 1 or 2 weapons from subsidized currency is better than nothing!
7-Buy from #SeTrade IRC channel: Often better prices can be found on this channel due to skipping sales tax and competitive international sellers at the #SeTrade or #sstrade (slightly worse) mibbit channels (also come chat with sAustralians at #secura.aus).
8-Use tickets: Tickets are almost always worth it, even a q1 ticket is worth it if you are going to do >5 hits due to the fact it saves the need to buy food for 4 hits and the location bonus is a whooping 20% (location bonus is active when you are in the region being attacked or the neighbouring attacking region).
9-Use tickets wisely: traveling more than once a day is usually not needed, if possible fight in a campaign near server reset and fight the next day without the need of using a ticket the next day alternatively, you should travel to your working location last that way you can work after reset and then travel to fighting location near reset. Use q5 tickets sparingly for important battles.
10-Use CC/gold wisely: reinvest your CC/gold into companies that will make more CC/gold or into MU for upgrades and/or better supplies, invest in stock companies for long term money that will lead to long-term damage increases! Houses are worth it but go straight for the q5! Estates are useful too, later in the game. Find the balance between cheaper supplies over time and the usefulness of that item before it becomes cheaper (e.g. early house make it easier to get BHs but are much more expensive than they will be on day 200< due to supply and demand).
11-Get BH medal early in battles: Early round BH medals seem easier to get, from personal experience, fighting in round <5 is optimal (I'm not one to talk with only 2 BH medals =P).
12-Take advantage of your time zone: try to fight when your target country natives are likely offline (e.g. native Poland people should be sleeping at 23:00 eSim which is roughly 3am Poland time). Of course not everyone from a country will be sleeping, other players can come in, and many non-native players join a virtual foreign country however, this can still be more effective than fighting at 15:00 eSim time.
13-Fight near the end of a battle: nothing is more annoying than getting overhit by a person with 1 minute left-- click fast and do it to others!
14-When going for BH medals don't be optimistic: Don't hit for both sides in 1 round it *almost* never works, one BH medal is good, two is nearly impossible, and 0 is sucky. Trust me, I've tried and failed multiple times-- sorry pat_rick!
15-Workplace travel: A potentially good idea is, if your workplace is locked (i.e. you cannot quit and work wherever) you should travel to the most dangerous location of the country, since the region you work in has no effect so long as you're in the country. For instance, since Western Australia or South Australia are being attacked constantly by sIndonesia. It is better to travel there in case a battle starts there.
16-Stock up n' hit: One of the more advance strategies involves seemingly doing something stupid-- again this works only if you're in a limited solution (i.e. have less weapons than hits daily). Since your damage per hit increases daily (via training and rank ups) it might make sense to save it up in order to maximize damage as late as possible. HOWEVER, there are countless factors to consider, since most players will not be doing this, they will have more rank points and gold from prior battles meaning they might be able to shoot you over. Therefore, I suggest to hold weapons for several days until you can make a fully equipped hitting day (q1 weps for each hit) this increases money gotten from subsidies (if you fight in a subsided battle) and increases the chances of a BH medal.
17-Buy weapons as late as possible: This works in conjunction with the previous tip, buy weapons late and in bulk and you can sometimes get a better deal in #sstrade. Generally speaking, the later you buy the more players have weapon companies which means cheaper prices (this will be especially true after day 30 when all the n00bs have enough gold).
18-Create your own supplies: this is the most challenging of all and will take a long time to accomplish, get people to make your own supplies by making enough profit to pay employees and supply yourself. This separates the average players from the elite but usually requires buying gold or a long time =(
I hope you've enjoyed the article take care and vote wisely tomorrow!
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