Esim - 【WAP】我國累傷前五十名( ◕ H ◕ ) 6/22

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【WAP】我國累傷前五十名( ◕ H ◕ ) 6/22 (Statistics)
Posted 10 years ago by

今天閒閒沒事作,放假了好閒阿 \( ◕ H ◕ )/

所以來統計個東西 ( ◕ H ◕ ) 漢斯還沒回來 ( ◕ H ◕ )然後Jimmy養老去了( ◕ H ◕ )所以他們兩個都不採計

這篇是累傷系列的,可能還會再發篇經驗的,可是就不會有後面那些介紹了 XD

第一名: ncekimo Day 50 3,827,018,225 dmg. 臺灣戰神萬歲 \( ◕ H ◕ )/
第二名: The PriNc3 Day 3  2,134,177,535 dmg. 不知道從哪裡移民過來的,沒什麼印象 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第三名: Swinke Day 115 735,470,644 dmg. Swinke <3
第四名: Cirmnut Day 1 578,039,737 dmg. Cirmnut \( ◕ H ◕ )/
第五名: chinliupiggy Day 430 464,475,284 dmg. 沒什麼特別的,就只是個備用糧食 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第六名: Kongou Day 553 417,569,408 dmg. 這也沒什麼特別的,就只是個土豪 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第七名: poiuwu Day 433 416,594,031 dmg. 宅宅的po ( ◕ H ◕ ) 人很好,女兒很可愛( 重點 )\( ◕ H ◕ )/
第八名: SeVeNTiaN Day 128 397,854,906 dmg. 老人一枚,近期有潛水上升的情形 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第九名: xChenGx Day 1 383,699,361 dmg. 沒什麼特別的,就只是個會傲嬌的老妖 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第十名: Slayers Day 426 344,801,749 dmg. 曾經死過一次,然後又死過一次,十分親民的Slayers ( ◕ H ◕ )

一直打前幾名前幾名,豪麻煩( ◕ H ◕ )接下來就只用數字吧d( ◕ H ◕ )

等等...我覺得打前幾名前幾名的比較潮,所以我接下來還是繼續打前幾名好了 ( ◕ H ◕ )

補充: The PriNc3 是ISP的大坦,不過我真的沒看過阿

第十一名: bnmbddd544 Day 555 341,238,191 dmg. 黑心商人,不過很好相處 d( ◕ H ◕ )
第十二名: Oajian Day 1 314,474,388 dmg. 歐煎,近期也有活躍一下,但是最近又不知道下潛去哪了( ◕ H ◕ )
第十三名: Isost Day 1 310,689,661 dmg. 很活躍,但是不怎麼講話,上次發shout是一年前( ◕ H ◕ )...
第十四名: s52146214 Day 339 292,695,464 dmg. 狗統,人很好相處,當總統時常上IRC,卸任後就RIP XD
第十五名: Tibbers Day 413 287,455,722 dmg. Tibber I love you <3<3<3 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第十六名: jumpdodo Day 157 286,912,333 dmg. 已經長青苔的馬鈴薯 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第十七名: duli Day 66 273,053,666 dmg. GAY ( ◕ H ◕ )
第十八名: Ahri Yamiyuki Day 1 260,916,528 dmg. 老人,偶爾會粗奶丸( ◕ H ◕ )
第十九名: MisterX Day 1 258,108,490 dmg. 喇牙 ( ◕◕◕◕ H ◕◕◕◕ )
第二十名: duingpogay Day 1 252,204,747 dmg. 看名字,應該也是個GAY(遭輾

打完前二十名啦 \( ◕ H ◕ )/

給自己挖得這個坑好大阿 ( ◕ H ◕ )

第二十一名: Sadanaga Day 5 251,964,102 dmg. 臺灣復國功臣之一,雖然不怎麼活躍了 o7
第二十二名: Ouchi Day 471 227,578,059 dmg. 有要賣鐵都丟給他就對惹 XD
第二十三名: Memento Mori Day 1 215,863,884 dmg. 不熟 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第二十四名: Cliff Chang Day 1 202,028,239 dmg. 也不熟 www
第二十五名: smellgood Day 166 193,244,331 dmg. 這個也不熟阿XDDD
第二十六名: brokensox Day 499 187,276,795 dmg. 破襪一隻,也是不知道下潛到哪裡去了 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第二十七名: massess Day 1 182,779,342 dmg. 顯示錯誤的一名老人 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第二十八名: 1212123q Day 11 182,766,586 dmg. 不熟 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第二十九名: Chuth Day 165 182,416,297 dmg. 人很好的一名老人,話說這是走路草對吧( ◕ H ◕ )
第三十名了: s6492 Day 94 180,617,784 dmg. 沒什麼印象

smellgood , 怎麼可以不認識大中華民國偉大的公公?

因為三十只有兩個字,感覺他有點不合群,所以給他加個了 XD


第三十一名: alagiala Day 448 180,465,010 dmg. 不熟 QAQ
第三十二名: fish70805 Day 435 178,679,696 dmg. 這個就跳過好了
第三十三名: GhostScript Day 1 175,052,512 dmg. 我一開始把他的頭像看成大便,對不起 www
第三十四名: tsboyorz Day 421 169,825,218 dmg. 虎虎虎 \( ◕ H ◕ )/ ( 詳情請搜尋youtube )
第三十五名: Star Rain Day 92 156,226,861 dmg. 不認識,但頭像挺可愛的( ◕ H ◕ )
第三十六名: staco307 Day 466 155,248,128 dmg. 不怎熟,但是記得人挺好的XD
第三十七名: Kipi Day 87 154,547,917 dmg. 偶爾會跑出來的老人 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第三十八名: calin Day 70 148,582,714 dmg. 很辛苦的黑卡,講話感覺很嚴肅很可怕 OAO
第三十九名: c092288 Day 417 143,830,324 dmg. 你在大聲什麼啦 \( ◕ 皿 ◕ )/ 對不起我激動了 www
第四十名了: mrmariokartguy Day 197 142,767,456 dmg. 延珠 QAQ

四十名了\( ◕ H ◕ )/


第四十一名: KOKA_Fake Day 1 139,137,411 dmg. Fake (戳
第四十二名: p08846 Day 7 136,118,714 dmg. 不怎熟 030
第四十三名: Kirk_Xu Day 3 134,805,160 dmg. 根本沒看過...
第四十四名: kurosuch Day 91 128,430,408 dmg. 偶爾會上升的老人 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第四十五名: chuching Day 172 127,241,660 dmg. 沒什麼印象,但我有加他好友(?
第四十六名: x52411395 Day 448 122,688,518 dmg. 你誰阿 OAO
第四十七名: beef Day 79 119,212,062 dmg. 可以解釋一下為什麼叫牛肉,頭像卻是個steam嗎 ( ◕ H ◕ )?
第四十八名: stm Day 2 117,967,380 dmg. SM -///////-
第四十九名: TW_GOGOGO Day 158 116,924,127 dmg. 有看過,但還是不熟 www
第五十名了: chariliu Day 554 113,008,792 dmg. 我不知道要用什麼方法來形容你欸 www

五十名啦\( ◕ H ◕ )/ 太神啦 \( ◕ H ◕ )/

打了五十分鐘 ( ◕ H ◕ )... 來去休息一下 ( ◕ H ◕ )

第五十一名: Insane Banana Day 575 109,623,363 dmg. 就只是根太陽花阿 ( ◕ H ◕ ) ( 對不起這是老梗
第五十二名: Alessia Day 1 109,412,863 dmg. 不認識,換句話說,根本沒看過阿 www
第五十三名: romeo6102 Day 540 108,321,772 dmg. 徹徹底底的響控,可以為了響不打魯阿魯 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第五十四名: ShamanKING Day 458 106,891,003 dmg. 不知道跑去哪裡的3A,我真心覺得以前的頭像比較好
第五十五名: Alex29 Day 98 105,729,976 dmg. 沒看過 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第五十六名: twilipi Day 340 104,201,148 dmg. 想去三服玩,可以找他喔 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第五十七名: feuereifer Day 68 102,165,010 dmg. 也沒看過 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第五十八名: freedom2020 Day 472 100,602,541 dmg. 最近很少看到惹( ◕ H ◕ )
第五十久名: SS1998 Day 567 100,319,332 dmg. 挺可靠的 ( ◕ H ◕ )
第六十名了: Patricklai Day 175 98,767,463 dmg. 喔~ 是誰住在深海的大石頭底 ( ◕ H ◕ )

我才不會說,因為我是第五十三名才特地打到六十名的 ( ◕ H ◕ )

這篇是6/22的,所以其實是昨天就打好的XD,然後忘了發 \( ◕ H ◕ )/

總而言之就是這樣,窩只是發好玩der ( ◕ H ◕ ) ( 才不是來騙sub的 )

底下留言者每人送5把Q1槍 \( ◕ H ◕ )/ ( 限 Day 600後 )


Previous article:
【WAP】伺服器品質實在太好惹 ( ◕ H ◕ ) (10 years ago)

Next article:
【WAP】採訪,與qseczz123456 (10 years ago)

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About the game:

USA as a world power? In E-Sim it is possible!

In E-Sim we have a huge, living world, which is a mirror copy of the Earth. Well, maybe not completely mirrored, because the balance of power in this virtual world looks a bit different than in real life. In E-Sim, USA does not have to be a world superpower, It can be efficiently managed as a much smaller country that has entrepreneurial citizens that support it's foundation. Everything depends on the players themselves and how they decide to shape the political map of the game.

Work for the good of your country and see it rise to an empire.

Activities in this game are divided into several modules. First is the economy as a citizen in a country of your choice you must work to earn money, which you will get to spend for example, on food or purchase of weapons which are critical for your progress as a fighter. You will work in either private companies which are owned by players or government companies which are owned by the state. After progressing in the game you will finally get the opportunity to set up your own business and hire other players. If it prospers, we can even change it into a joint-stock company and enter the stock market and get even more money in this way.

In E-Sim, international wars are nothing out of the ordinary.

"E-Sim is one of the most unique browser games out there"

Become an influential politician.

The second module is a politics. Just like in real life politics in E-Sim are an extremely powerful tool that can be used for your own purposes. From time to time there are elections in the game in which you will not only vote, but also have the ability to run for the head of the party you're in. You can also apply for congress, where once elected you will be given the right to vote on laws proposed by your fellow congress members or your president and propose laws yourself. Voting on laws is important for your country as it can shape the lives of those around you. You can also try to become the head of a given party, and even take part in presidential elections and decide on the shape of the foreign policy of a given state (for example, who to declare war on). Career in politics is obviously not easy and in order to succeed in it, you have to have a good plan and compete for the votes of voters.

You can go bankrupt or become a rich man while playing the stock market.

The international war.

The last and probably the most important module is military. In E-Sim, countries are constantly fighting each other for control over territories which in return grant them access to more valuable raw materials. For this purpose, they form alliances, they fight international wars, but they also have to deal with, for example, uprisings in conquered countries or civil wars, which may explode on their territory. You can also take part in these clashes, although you are also given the opportunity to lead a life as a pacifist who focuses on other activities in the game (for example, running a successful newspaper or selling products).

At the auction you can sell or buy your dream inventory.

E-Sim is a unique browser game. It's creators ensured realistic representation of the mechanisms present in the real world and gave all power to the players who shape the image of the virtual Earth according to their own. So come and join them and help your country achieve its full potential.

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