Esim - Istina izašla na vidjelo! Sramite se!

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Istina izašla na vidjelo! Sramite se! (Fun)
Posted 5 years ago by
Geralt of Rivia    

Prije svega pozdrav svima.

Napokon je istina izašla na vidjelo i treba da se sramite! Ako ste mislili da ću u ovom članku prozivati nekoga;

A ja pooozivaaaaam:

Naravno, nikoga neću prozivati. Nemam potrebu za tim a ni razloga.
Želio bih se samo obratiti našim dragim susjedima da im kažem da nisam multijaš.
Bilo je onako simpatično kada sam saznao za to, sasvim slučajno

Ne brinite se, nije multi u pitanju, nije ni NPC
Možda Bosanci jesu glupi ali... hehe pa nismo toliko glupi

Pa dooobro... možda jesmo ali heheh pa ima izuzetaka

U svakom slučaju da ne dužim više ja sam taj izuzetak
A da vam dokažem da sam sasvim "regularan" igrač odlučio sam da "okačim" svoju sliku u ovom članku i dok joj se divim (nisam narcis al jbg) razbijam vašu sumnju što se toga tiče. Međutim iako sam čvrstog karaktera odlučio sam da poslušam braću po oružju, koja kažu da sam previše lijep da bih sad stavljao tu svoju sliku i da bi to izazvalo ljubomoru, zavist i katastrofu kao i sam krah ovog servera, pa odlučih da to ne dopustim

Ali posjedujem tu čuvenu aplikaciju zvanu iMstagram đe se mogu pratiti i razgledati tuđe slike. I gle baš čuda fali mi samo 1 da imam 1000 uhoda na iMstagramu. Budi moja sretna uhoda!
Javi se u pp ako želiš sočne detalje mog iMstagram id-a! Čekam te!

Hajd reko da objavim i ja taj prvi članak, neću više matere'm.
Izvaljao sam gomilu gluposti, kasno a ponedeljak, treba ustajat ujutru na posao

Ljudi moji družite se, uživajte, pucajte se i šalite se.
Ratova će vazda biti al osmijeha je sve manje!

Vidimo se na nišanu
Eee i da... hvala susjedima na pruženim fantastičnim i neizvjesnim borbama, nadam se da još nećete odustati, pa majka mu stara tek smo se zagrijali

Vaš multijaš ovaj mislim pravi igrač,
Geralt of Rivia

Next article:
Luda vremena (4 years ago)

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About the game:

USA as a world power? In E-Sim it is possible!

In E-Sim we have a huge, living world, which is a mirror copy of the Earth. Well, maybe not completely mirrored, because the balance of power in this virtual world looks a bit different than in real life. In E-Sim, USA does not have to be a world superpower, It can be efficiently managed as a much smaller country that has entrepreneurial citizens that support it's foundation. Everything depends on the players themselves and how they decide to shape the political map of the game.

Work for the good of your country and see it rise to an empire.

Activities in this game are divided into several modules. First is the economy as a citizen in a country of your choice you must work to earn money, which you will get to spend for example, on food or purchase of weapons which are critical for your progress as a fighter. You will work in either private companies which are owned by players or government companies which are owned by the state. After progressing in the game you will finally get the opportunity to set up your own business and hire other players. If it prospers, we can even change it into a joint-stock company and enter the stock market and get even more money in this way.

In E-Sim, international wars are nothing out of the ordinary.

"E-Sim is one of the most unique browser games out there"

Become an influential politician.

The second module is a politics. Just like in real life politics in E-Sim are an extremely powerful tool that can be used for your own purposes. From time to time there are elections in the game in which you will not only vote, but also have the ability to run for the head of the party you're in. You can also apply for congress, where once elected you will be given the right to vote on laws proposed by your fellow congress members or your president and propose laws yourself. Voting on laws is important for your country as it can shape the lives of those around you. You can also try to become the head of a given party, and even take part in presidential elections and decide on the shape of the foreign policy of a given state (for example, who to declare war on). Career in politics is obviously not easy and in order to succeed in it, you have to have a good plan and compete for the votes of voters.

You can go bankrupt or become a rich man while playing the stock market.

The international war.

The last and probably the most important module is military. In E-Sim, countries are constantly fighting each other for control over territories which in return grant them access to more valuable raw materials. For this purpose, they form alliances, they fight international wars, but they also have to deal with, for example, uprisings in conquered countries or civil wars, which may explode on their territory. You can also take part in these clashes, although you are also given the opportunity to lead a life as a pacifist who focuses on other activities in the game (for example, running a successful newspaper or selling products).

At the auction you can sell or buy your dream inventory.

E-Sim is a unique browser game. It's creators ensured realistic representation of the mechanisms present in the real world and gave all power to the players who shape the image of the virtual Earth according to their own. So come and join them and help your country achieve its full potential.

Invest, produce and sell - be an entrepreneur in E-Sim.

Take part in numerous events for the E-Sim community.

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