Esim - Response to "Scandinavian Conflict"

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Response to "Scandinavian Conflict" (Old article)
Posted 12 years ago by

This article is in response to Paul McCartney ’s article Scandinavian Conflict

Paul didn’t have any room for my side of the story, so I decided to write my own article. This also allows me to freely speak and not have to answer questions.

So I want to start from the VERY beginning!

I joined Norway with a small group of friends I made on another game, not going to mention names, we sat down and decided that Norway would be a good place for us to join and settle down. Now of course none of us spoke Norwegian or are Norwegian Nationals in real life. We didn’t see this as a problem because I have always maintained the idea if someone is willing to assist in a positive way that real life nationality shouldn’t matter.

So I was lucky enough to make it into the first congress, with the few active first congressman we had we sat down and had to decide who was going to be appointed as Country President. The majority of us agreed we needed to have an organized leader, to get the country up and running. Somehow my name got thrown out, I told the other congress members, that I would do the job if need be but that I wasn’t going to stand up and directly say, “Make me President.”.

We were a little delayed compared to other countries with getting a President appointed. It was within the first few days of the game that Sweden, lead by Marshall , declared war on Norway. It was then congress decided to propose me as President as we clearly needed someone in power.

What really bothered me about Sweden’s declaration of war, was their justification.

“Norway’s President is not a REAL LIFE Norwegian.”

That was their reason for invading. This reason of theirs had only two MAJOR problems with it.
i) I wasn’t even proposed as President when they declared war.
ii) How in the world, since I never spoke to a Swedish player at the time, do they know I am not Norwegian in real life.

The only thing I could think of was their was a spy in our Congress at the time. Which is quite possible however very unlikely. So Norway was invaded, I of course then began searching for allies. Brazil was the first MPP Norway had, their leader at the time Whitney Houston .

Whitney Houston had this idea of forming an alliance called “Luna”. Luna ultimately failed, however it did gain favor with India, Switzerland. So Luna was up to India, Switzerland, Brazil, and Norway. Members considered for membership was China, Malaysia, South Korea, Finland.

I will not go into too many details because it isn’t all that important. Now lets move the focus back to Scandinavia/Northern Europe.

Finland under the rule of TheJuliusCaesar at the time had a renting agreement with Sweden, which kept them safe from a complete occupation. However TheJuliusCaesar , or so I was told, never cleared the rent deal with Congress/Cabinet. Which made me think that Finland was siding with Sweden which is why they were never directly contacted about Luna.

Moving over the Sweden/United Kingdom. This seems to have a negative outlook by both British and Norwegian citizens. People seem to think we “backstabbed” the UK. So here is what happened there.

Once Sweden invaded the UK I got into contact with their President at the time code0011 . Our conversation lasted a whole 3 minutes. I offered them Norwegian support against the Swedish invasion. There was nothing more than that, there was never a long term agreement, I asked for nothing in return. We helped the UK defend Northeastern England until after the first President elections.

A resistance war was started in Vestlandet, by a citizen known as Reincarnate a good friend of mine. It was supported by the UK and its allies. Now the only reason they did that was because they hoped that Sweden would “Re-attack” Vestlandet. I want to make it clear that from my point of view their assistance liberating Vestlandet was for their own gain, they hoped Sweden would try and take it back, directing the attention off of themselves. So in my books we scratched the UKs back and they scratched ours back. Our TEMPORARY MPP had served it’s purpose. So therefore Norway did in no way backstab the UK.

Why after the first elections you ask?

Well after the first election which I managed to win by only 3 votes to a banned player. Marshall who was voted President again contact both Shotakitty Finland’s President and myself. He wanted to arrange a meeting, the topic of the meeting at the time was not told. It was only at the meeting that we found out that Marshall was interested in forming a Union between the Scandinavian countries.

Now Norway and it’s citizens had been hoping for this kind of thing, a united Scandinavia! Since the decision couldn’t be made simply by politicians it had to be made by the Norwegian people. So Norway host a referendum, Sweden also held a referendum, Finland was the only one that decided to do a “Referendum” via a newspaper article.

So issue number 1 of Conflict was Finland’s lack of a proper referendum.

Another meeting was held a few days after the referendums had passed. Sweden and Norway, who held a proper referendum, had received positive results. Finland simply told us that it was a yes, if i remember correctly, we asked how the vote count looked like, I believe it was 5 yes’s 0 no’s, or something like that.

Now how can you base a decision like that on 5 votes, you cannot, what should have happened is a PROPER referendum should have been used. To ensure that EVERYONE knew about it not just the active people who actually read newspapers, but the two-clickers who would see the referendum notifications.

Despite that we agreed upon the Union, the terms of agreement were very simply. Sweden would keep Ostlandet and Sorlandet until Denmark was added so they maintained a border with the UK, Neither Finland nor Norway were to fight AGAINST Sweden, in return Sweden would not resistance in resistance wars.

Now here we come to the second issue. Apparently everyone BUT Finland knew and followed the agreement. Marshall appointed as Commander of the Union ordered no Resistance wars to be started because they were planning to attack the UK once more. However Finland ignored that and started one in Oulu right away.

Now skipping ahead ignoring minor details.

There was one battle where Finland had done 2mill+ damage AGAINST Sweden, in a battle against the UK. Now Finland on several occasion did more damage against than for Sweden. So a small emergency meeting was held, the topic being misuse of damage, mainly directed towards Finland. I will admit that Norway wasn’t perfect, we had several two clickers clicking fights via our MPP with the UK, however these amounts of damage never surpassed 500K. The excuse Finland used was simply what I just stated.

“Our two-clicking citizens are fighting via our MPP with the UK.”

Now that to me is a complete lie. I saw several times, members of their national MU fighting against Sweden, I saw Finland’s President fight against Sweden, I saw their Minister of Defense fight against Sweden. It wasn’t simply two-clickers, I very rarely see two-clickers hitting for Q3+ weapons.
Now around this time Denmark had been added to the game and was under Protection. I personally reached out the the Danish people, and told them I would help them in anyway I could. Why? Because I enjoy seeing communities active, I want their players to stick around.

I never once offered Denmark any political or diplomatic help. I told them of the Scandinavian Alliance, I never told them they could join. In fact I told them to talk to Marshall if they wanted to talk about joining.

Yet somehow I apparently betrayed them, according to their current President, blowfly . So perhaps you would like to explain with DETAILS just exactly how I betrayed a your country or rather how Norway betrayed your country because I would really like to know.

I think that about covers EVERYTHING that needs to be said. If I left something out do please bring it to my attention.

Now let me explain why I am siding with Sweden. The reason is simply because I very much like the Swedish people. Most of them who I have talked to are very nice. Many of you seem to think I am “kissing” up to Sweden. I am in no way doing that. Marshall was the FIRST person to approach me and talk to Norway about actually joining an alliance, Whitney Houston came to be with an imaginary alliance, Sweden’s proposal was solid and backed up by direct actions that is why Norway is Pro-SUP, that is why Sweden, despite their actions are our ally. Sure Sweden could easily occupy us again, but clearly they haven’t so clearly they must like us.

So go ahead say what you will about Norway’s relationship with Sweden, because we really do not care. I stand my decision to side with them and I am sure Swedish and Norwegian citizens alike will agree to that. Your opinion is your own, Norway has been increasing relations with SUP for months now. We our, our own nation.

That is ALL I have to say. I hope this clears a few things up!

Post question in the comments, or PM me if you wish to speak more!

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Greetings South Korea (12 years ago)

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President Manifesto [Nov. 5th] (12 years ago)

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