Esim - Citizen Ragnar Lodbrok 2kkk dmg day 1021 <br/>3kkk dmg day 1109 <br/>day 1230 Deus

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2kkk dmg day 1021
3kkk dmg day 1109
day 1230 Deus
45 Level
392,024 Experience
33,876,013,369 Damage
40.609375 Economy skill
5258 Strength
United Kingdom
Day 384 Birthday
Political office No office
Political office Party leader
Military unit Th3 GeNtL3MeN
Political party League of Legends
Owned companies (1)
This citizen has been inactive for 990 days
11,845 - 33,027
Critical hit:
23,690 - 66,054
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+8.24 %
+8.42 %
+6.97 %
Total critical hit chance
36.13 %
36.13 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-8.53 %
-8.46 %
Overall miss chance
-4.49 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+8.17 %
+8.37 %
+7.3 %
+6.62 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
35.46 %
35.46 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
25.0 %
  • x30
  • x32
  • x78
  • x30
  • x2953
  • x10
  • x194
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 149 of 270 See all achievements
Friends (269)
Firstly i want to say thank you for the votes!

Secondly and even more important then the above, i want to tell to our enemys that from today we will start fighting for our homeland and we will never give up on what is ours.

For this i call every UK citizen to start fighting in our battles!

Everyone who wants can join our MU for bonus and better coordination.

Also every other fighter who wants to fight pm me or our dear MOD for full q5 supp!

Ragnar Lodbrok posted 3 years ago

Admin starts RW to every country that have colonies, but NOT to serbia.
Any thoughts?
Ragnar Lodbrok posted 4 years ago

Temporary ban
Temporary unban
Temporary ban
New game in the house
Ragnar Lodbrok posted 4 years ago

But zerg have multies...
Ragnar Lodbrok posted 4 years ago

Its funny how hard serbian players are trying to win in a dead game. They even made BG to dow mkd so they can reach their goal here, even tho they know BG is friendly country to mkd for many years.
Mkd consider BG as an ally and wont sit on this provocation made by 1-2 2-kliker and will wait for them to resolve this.
This is one more proof that serbia only see to save their a**, not taking care for the consequences for their ally and friends
Ragnar Lodbrok posted 4 years ago

I invite every British citizen to join The Gentlemen MU.
There is always full supp for our battles and battles of our friends and allies.
Only thing you need to do is work for MU, fight on orders and have fun.

Hali United Kingdom
Ragnar Lodbrok posted 4 years ago

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