Esim - Citizen anhnv2011 <br/>selling personal damage for supplies or gold <br/> <br/>contact me on irc : <br/>/query anhnv2011 or /j #anhnv2011 <br/> Discord nick: <b>anhnv2011#3185</b> <br/>Discord chanel: <a href="" target="_blank">link</a> <br/> <br/><b>D 1981 2k BH <br/>D2178 3k BH <br/>D 2050 finish 2 set with highest max stas <br/>Day 2249 Deus Ultimum</b> <br/> <br/><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="thinyImage" src=""></a> <br/><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="thinyImage" src=""></a>

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selling personal damage for supplies or gold

contact me on irc :
/query anhnv2011 or /j #anhnv2011
Discord nick: anhnv2011#3185
Discord chanel: link

D 1981 2k BH
D2178 3k BH
D 2050 finish 2 set with highest max stas
Day 2249 Deus Ultimum

Deus Ultimum
111 Level
303,845 Experience
24,728,435,701 Damage
46.375 Economy skill
5644 Strength
Day 926 Birthday
This citizen has been inactive for 560 days
11,648 - 31,245
Critical hit:
23,296 - 62,490
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+7.71 %
+7.11 %
+6.98 %
+6.733 %
Total critical hit chance
41.03 %
40.0 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-7.09 %
-6.35 %
Overall miss chance
-0.94 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+6.91 %
+6.85 %
+7.14 %
+7.45 %
+7.2 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
40.55 %
40.0 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
25.0 %
Assets Assets are hidden by the citizen
  • x52
  • x6
  • x83
  • x2
  • x59
  • x4822
  • x12
  • x269
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 175 of 270 See all achievements
Friends (564)
look like people still play hard
anhnv2011 posted 4 years ago

anyone can tell me where Germany and Malaysia ?

you can blame chiwan cheat but no one can tell them are not good ally and never break them word
i saw mexico, usa, croatia, india ... backstab and leave small ally country in some nap.
I always keep my word and help any one help me so i am puppet. And some broken them word like Lee Soonkyu is hero. Poor for german and malysia
anhnv2011 posted 5 years ago

31500 gold debt
we know that he not sell this, not steal this, everything use on fight
problem of them is they have huge community, hard for using org sent sup to all player, 1 by 1 with clear reason

Sad when see chinese leader banned because "stealing" reason, not because they really steal, just because ....
anhnv2011 posted 5 years ago

yeah, i will see him soon
anhnv2011 posted 5 years ago

give 5 gold for first 10 player (5X10) from BH comment in this shout, lucky money for new year
anhnv2011 posted 5 years ago

selling 1kk iron, give me your offer
anhnv2011 posted 5 years ago

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