Esim - Citizen paulthomas returns <b>Emperor of Chile, Australia and Paraguay, <br/> <br/> <br/>Visited countries <br/>[flag]Chile[/flag] [flag]Australia[/flag] [flag]Paraguay[/flag] [flag]Spain[/flag] [flag]Brazil[/flag] [flag]USA[/flag] [flag]United Kingdom[/flag] [flag]Argentina[/flag] [flag]France[/flag] [flag]Venezuela[/flag] <br/> <br/><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="thinyImage" src=""></a> </b>

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Permanently banned
Reason: Avoid debt
Banned by: zorica
Emperor of Chile, Australia and Paraguay,

Visited countries

Deus Imperialis
43 Level
279,806 Experience
14,751,706,358 Damage
29.75 Economy skill
3624 Strength
Day 1 Birthday
Military unit Ejercito Imperial
This citizen has been inactive for 2495 days
Active debts
  • 5433.34 Gold
    (payback time 1625 game day )
    Reason : Buying in low price CC from Australia
7,363 - 11,044
Critical hit:
14,726 - 22,088
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
Total critical hit chance
12.5 %
12.5 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
Overall miss chance
12.5 %
12.5 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
5.0 %
5.0 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
0.0 %
  • 218.89 Gold
    (payback time 1419 game day ) lent to Swarovsky
  • 550.0 Gold
    (payback time 1449 game day ) lent to Swarovsky
  • x40
  • x11
  • x52
  • x2
  • x24
  • x2293
  • x11
  • x86
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 153 of 270 See all achievements
Friends (569)
Hola lokas, como va el imperio ?
tengo 96g el primero que comente se los lleva, solo lokas del imperio, abstenerse perruanos o traidores de la patria .

Suerte a Sdka, Morphy, elsabo y resto de viejunos que sigan jugando
paulthomas returns posted 7 years ago

You have been warned by Game operator ★ simosdury , reason: You need to pay your outdated debts. Not doing so will result in further consequences.
You have been warned by Super game operator zorica , reason: You need to return your out-dated debts. You have 24h to do so.
Que ganas tienen de banearme estos subnormalees.
Esta noche escribo articulo, y dejo el juego seguramente
paulthomas returns posted 7 years ago

day 1619 Soy el primero que se da cuenta (?)
paulthomas returns posted 7 years ago

Vaya mes que llevamos han hakeado la cuenta de Vaticano, el pobre ha perdido casi todos sus equipos y nos han robado todo el material de la MU paraguaya.
Tenemos indicios claros de que el ladron es Vkt , vamos a luchar por recuperar el material y que baneen al desgraciado este. Por desgracia tanto en la VR como en el juego hay escaria de este tipo, como furiaroja que lo unico que hacen es robar y engañar a la gente. Una verguenza!

A pesar de todo seguimos luchando
Hail El Imperio!
paulthomas returns posted 7 years ago

You have been awarded with tournament medal and 5*medkit for participating in league!
paulthomas returns posted 7 years ago

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