Esim - Free MMOG browser game

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Angelus exitiabilis
205 Level
1,043,065 Experience
499,266,179,227 Damage
36.671875 Economy skill
6462 Strength
Day 171 Birthday
2 / 25 National by XP
1 / 25 National by DMG
17 / 558 Global by XP
17 / 558 Global by DMG
Political office Congress member of Russia
Political office Party leader
Ministry office Minister of Defence of Russia
Military unit ODKB
Political party Вежливые люди
Active debts
  • 123456.0 Gold
    (payback time 4361 game day )
    Reason : Debt agrees in contract 856400
  • 690069.0 Gold
    (payback time 4367 game day )
    Reason : Debt agrees in contract 856552
  • 123456.0 Gold
    (payback time 4385 game day )
    Reason : Debt agrees in contract 856559
  • 123456.0 Gold
    (payback time 4437 game day )
    Reason : Debt agrees in contract 856595
  • 123456.0 Gold
    (payback time 4437 game day )
    Reason : Debt agrees in contract 856592
  • 123456.0 Gold
    (payback time 4437 game day )
    Reason : Debt agrees in contract 856591
20,320 - 48,434
Critical hit:
40,640 - 96,868
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+8.452 %
+8.455 %
+8.452 %
Total critical hit chance
37.86 %
37.86 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-9.343 %
Overall miss chance
3.16 %
3.16 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+8.459 %
+8.458 %
+8.461 %
+8.457 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
38.83 %
38.83 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
25.0 %
  • x44
  • x21
  • x65
  • x4
  • x47
  • x4470
  • x18
  • x19
  • x345
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 189 of 298 See all achievements
Friends (813)
War with Bulgaria has ended, because Bulgaria was completely conquered
Buzador posted 4 days ago

War with Croatia has ended, because Croatia was completely conquered
Buzador posted 11 days ago

War with Ireland has ended, because Ireland was completely conquered
Buzador posted 17 days ago

War with United Kingdom has ended, because United Kingdom was completely conquered
Buzador posted 22 days ago

War with USA has ended, because USA was completely conquered
Buzador posted 1 month ago

Поздравляем нашего президента, несравненную и прекрасную Annita , с Днем Рождения! Как всегда с 18-летием
Buzador posted 1 month ago

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