Esim - Citizen DasEmperor Selling q5 food/change with q5 presents, q1 tickets, q1 and q3 guns. Send a pm and we can discuss price.

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Selling q5 food/change with q5 presents, q1 tickets, q1 and q3 guns. Send a pm and we can discuss price.
Deus Dimidiam
34 Level
104,288 Experience
2,741,096,181 Damage
50.703125 Economy skill
5553 Strength
Day 1 Birthday
Political office No office
Political office Party leader
Military unit Valhalla
Working at
This citizen has been inactive for 782 days
13,670 - 25,347
Critical hit:
27,340 - 50,694
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+7.25 %
+2.73 %
Total critical hit chance
22.48 %
22.48 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-6.78 %
-6.75 %
Overall miss chance
-1.03 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+7.25 %
+1.52 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
13.77 %
13.77 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
+2.3 %
+1.87 %
+1.08 %
Free flight final chance
5.25 %
25.0 %
  • x7
  • x2
  • x96
  • x44
  • x261
  • x18
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 119 of 270 See all achievements
Friends (80)
Mina vänner, ska vi inte typ, ni vet, befria vårt land eller så? Det vore kul, om nån är på.
DasEmperor posted 2 years ago

Någon som vill köa q1 eller q3 pistoler? Jag har ett par tusen på lager.

Hör av dig om det låter intressant.

I´m selling q1 and q3 pistols. PM if interested.
DasEmperor posted 2 years ago

Hello, if anyone have one q1 personal armor and one q2 personal armor I gladly buy them from you. You can get 70g for both. PM if you got any.
I don´t care what stats they have.
DasEmperor posted 2 years ago


Vill du köpa q1 och q3 vapen eller kanske q1 biljetter eller köpa/byta q5 mat (byta mot q5 presenter)?

Hör av dig om det låter intressant!
DasEmperor posted 2 years ago

Hallå där!! Jag är tillbaka efter ett års paus.
DasEmperor posted 2 years ago

Fantastiskt, nu är vi helt occuperade. Vi får väl börja göra motstånd så småningom.
DasEmperor posted 3 years ago

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