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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 418
Estimated value:
4630.93 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
11.08 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 9

Act type: Proposed by:

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Ok everyone! Thank you for investing in Pecuniam!

Right now we have just bought a Q5 food company in Northern Peru for 360 gold (30 gold cheaper than creating a new one). This region is controlled by Brazil, which for us is a good thing! Since brazil has such a huge workforce it will be easy for us to produce.

Through simple calculations and using a grain price of 0.008 gold per unit, we should be able to achieve a 16% return on daily production.

One of the policies that we have been doing is that if there's not enough people buying our resources in game is that we sell them on strade. If you have a problem with this please vote no on this and i will get back to you.

As you also know we have a grain company of our own. right now the production costs are somewhere in the region of 0.0073 gold per unit. Some are higher, but on average that is the price. This helps ensure we have a stable source of grain.

If you wish you can work in our grain company against a good salary. Please contact me if you are interested because we are always looking for good workers Working in the company means your profits will be higher as well

Anyways thats the quick update. We still have 10 shares for sale. This is the cash we will need to help with our operating costs.

Dividends will be once every two weeks as stated. However to keep this easy, I will declare dividends on the 1st and the 14th of every month.

That would mean that the first dividend would be on april 1st. However since we just started the company we would like to have the first dividend on the 14th of april. if you have any problems with that let me know!


11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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