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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 418
Estimated value:
4630.93 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
11.08 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 9

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:


As you guys can all see our stock company has been doing very well since we issued the shares.

When we started the estimated share price was 3.74 (estimated), and now they are 4.18 (estimated). The estimated share price jumps around right now for a few reasons.
1) The price of grain
2) The price of the companies.

according to my own calculation I use the price I bought the companies for and the prices used according to strade. My own calculations value the company at 4.14 a share meaning we made a total of 87.2 gold so far.

This is very nice!

As promised I will be issuing a dividend of around 50% of the profits we made. So I think it will be around 0.20 per share. This first dividend will be high because we did not issue a dividend on the 1st, so the next time the dividend will probably be a bit lower.

In light of this I would like to keep growing our company. Therefore i would like to propose that we issue some more shares after the dividend so that we can open another Q5 company and maybe even a Q1 weapons company.

Because I want to preserve the value of the shares you already have, I am thinking of issuing around 92 the new shares at a price of 4.40 gold. (so a small premium for the new people buying the shares). As a result we would then have 310 shares outstanding and an extra 404 gold in the company. As a result it would allow those of you with few shares to get some more, as well allow the others who have been hounding me to buy some as well

If you vote yes you agree, that after the dividend is payed out we issue 92 new shares @ 4.40 per share. No means, yes to the dividend and no to new shares being put on the market.

11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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