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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 418
Estimated value:
4630.93 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
11.08 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 9

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:


Please read the entire message before you vote. If you have any questions please contact me either in game or via PM on irc #pecuniam.

First of all, i am amazed at how fast we managed to sell all our shares! Thanks for the confidence!

Second of all I want to ask for your permission to use 50 gold to setup a second stock company.

The main purpose of this stock company will be to sell our goods in Brazil. Right now we are paying 5% import tax on all our products we sell in Brazil. For every food we sell there we pay 5% import tax. On top of that we pay 3% VAT.

This second share company will be a holding company.
The Basic Idea of this company is to avoid paying the import taxes.

How it works is as follows:
1)We sell our products at 0.01 NLG to this Holding Company.
2)This holding company will have a Brazil Nationality and we will not need to pay the import tax. Thus giving us a higher profit margin.
3) The money on this company will be then be transferred back to this stock company.

To make this work we need 50 gold to setup this company, plus another 50 gold for in the company as starting capital. After the company is created we will transfer 40 gold back to this company. 10 gold will be used for the purchasing of products from this company.

The reason why we need to do it this way is because Brazil will not allow foreign Stock Companies to change their nationality to the Brazil.

I have calculated that if we were to do this, it would save us 1.22 gold a day.
Also since we are planning on selling weapons, it will save us an extra 1 gold per Q1 weapon company we have in Brazil. Furthermore it will allow us to sell our extra Iron, which would be an additional 2.5 gold per day.

What I am saying is that this move will save us gold, that at the moment we are paying in taxes.

In order to pay for this, as well as build our iron and weapon companies, we will need to issue another 12 shares @ 4.4 gold/ each.

Thank you for your support!

11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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