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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 418
Estimated value:
4630.93 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
11.08 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 9

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:

Another 2 weeks have passed and its time for our next dividend.
The dividend this time around will be 0.18 / share.

This is 0.03 cents per share higher than before our expansion. So all in all I think thats a good sign.
Our profit would have been higher if a number of things did not happen.

1) Brazil didn't lose Peru for a week (this meant our food company wasn't working)
2) The decline in value of the BRL. This currency has been on a small decline from 0.05 to 0.048
3) Not all our gold working for us. During this period we held around 250 gold cash at all times.

This last item was because we did not have all the money needed to build our q5 iron company in brazil. We had an opportunity to first build our stock company in brazil or nothing at all. Instead at the advice of Luuklag, we created a q4 iron company in brazil, and will need to wait another week before we can upgrade it to a Q5.
The idea behind the Q5 iron company, is that it allows us to exchange our brl for Iron which we can then use in our weapons companies, or sell on strade for gold. This last part allows us to sell our product at a better exchange rate and directly convert our cash to gold.

Over the next week, we ill be upgrading this company to a q5, so we will be seeing a good profit. I expect that at next dividend time we should be @ around 0.20 per share!

Value of shares @ dividend payout: 4.47
Value of shares After payout: 4.29

If you feel we should reinvest our dividends, feel free to vote no on the dividend payment proposal.

11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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