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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 418
Estimated value:
4630.93 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
11.08 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 9

Act type: Proposed by:

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Yesterday we issued once again our dividend. The reason we did not issue the last dividend was so that we could expand our iron company into a Q5.

The dividend was 0.13 per share. The main reason that it was low was because brazil once again lost the high grain region and have signed peace with peru. As a result of that and my inactivity last week, we were not producing there.

Right now we are trying to get workers for our peru company. If we dont manage to find workers we will try to sell the company. Right now it is for sale @ 378. We bought the company for 379. If we are able to sell the company we will look for a new place to set up production. This time in a home region with country with alot of workers. The peru situation is only a temporary setback in the long run.

With the last dividend I have also finally started the process of repaying Beijert. We have repayed so far 50 Gold. We still need to pay him 260 gold. But that should go easily.
As of yesterday (after the dividend) our official Share vale is 4.62 gold per share. As you can see we are steadily moving towards the magic number of 5 gold per share

As always if you have questions feel free to ask.

We are also on IRC on our channel #pecuniam.

Thanks again for investing in Pecuniam.


11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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