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Chairman (CEO)
United Kingdom
Total Shares: 2000
Estimated value:
1411.80 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
0.71 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 16
Total companies: 1

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:

greetings to you all,

firstly i wanted to say thank you for investing. as you can see, it has resulted in a good first day.
polls are how i will communicate with you all and gather your opinions. so they may be quite frequent. you may have seen in the shout box, there is an up to date account of our figures i advise you check them regularly as it is a good indication of progress

your money will go towards upgrading the iron mine in Norway, thus spreading iron production across two companies meaning cheaper iron.

10 more shares will be issued after this poll,

should i issue the next batch of shares at a slightly higher rate?
(please bare in mind, you should not vote no for personal gain. the money will be invested well, and anything that is put in will affect the profit ratio positively)

yes= price increase

no= price stays at 2.55

please vote.

if you have any questions PM me.


11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



Supporting shareholders Shareholders against

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