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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 418
Estimated value:
4641.44 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
11.10 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 9

Act type: Proposed by:

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Time for an update!

Lately we have been seeing a big fall in food prices but also a drop in the overall economy as well. The companies that have been doing very well have been our NL assets. With the loss of the high food region of brazil to peru we have been relying on our food company in the NL for our major profits.

As you also know we have an iron company as well as some q1 weapon companies. The goal was to have these companies give a boost in our profits, but the truth is managing them is a pain in the ass, when the profit in them are almost next to nothing. The iron company has been producing alright, with the major problem being that the labour force in brazil work one day and switch jobs the next.

We also have a moving ticket company in Italy. When buying this company i forgot to see that italy doesn't own a oil region. So basically it was a bad buy. What i have done is slowly writing this asset off our books. mainly by decresing the true value of it in our calculation of the profits.

But besides all this grim news, we are still making a profit.

With discussion with Luuklag we decided to role back and sell some of the assets.

These being the Q5 food in Peru, the q1 weapons companies and the moving ticket company. Today we finally sold our q5 food company in Peru for 380 gold! Thats awesome since we bought it for 379 gold. Now selling the rest remains.

As i said before the Netherlands assets are producing our profits. We are not downsizing the stock company, just doing some adjustments,, so that we can manage everything better, and make sure we have good and healthy companies.

When we sell the assets the main idea is to find better things to invest in. Right now we are sitting on around 400+ gold. Our share value is 5.0649 per share.

We also currently have a debt outstanding to Beijert of 260 gold and 30 gold to myself. I would like to suggest that we repay our debt with the cash we have at the moment. Pls vote yes or no if agree or not.


11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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