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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 418
Estimated value:
4641.44 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
11.10 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 9

Act type: Proposed by:

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Today another div has been paid out! The total amount of divs paid so far have been 409.48 gold! Thats amazing!
As of this div payment our share value is 5.33 gold/ share! Now on to the 6 gold!

The major success of the last couple of days has been the increased value of the PEN currency that paid out very nicely! As a result I have used this extra bonus to write down the value of our stock company as well as the value of our moving ticket company. This basically means the brazil stock company has paid itself off and offers no true value on our books. Also the moving ticket company has been written down abit since its a failed venture and nobody wants to buy a company in a non high region so the value in our books are just there to reflect its true value.

Besides that our we have been making some good money and our continued div policy shows that! Also we have managed to pay back all our previous debts. So our company is nice and healthy! With some luck we will have enough cash on hand to open an additional q5 company somewhere in the near future.

With our 50% div policy we can continue to grow steadily, which has always been our goal!

I think we have one of the best stock companies in esim, small amount of shares with alot of value! Recent calculations show that we make around 14% return a month which is good and will continue to do so. Considering the last time we issued shares the value was set at 4.41 and before that @ 4.1. we have made over 1 gold per share in value and another 1 gold+ paid in dividends.

We can only hope that the future remains as prosperous for us

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Gladly making you money,



11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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