Act type: | Proposed by: |
Do you agree with the following question:
Recently I've been buying up stock companies for personal use and then sharing them with the SC so that we can net a better profit and still meet our weekly dividend amount in FAY. While this is good for FAY, it's been bad for my personal account, so now I want to recoup some of that money. Do you agree to that FAY should pay out half the cost of the following stock companies to Afanasiy Drago in order to be able to use them to sell product: Lithuania SC - 2g to acquire, 1g cost to FAY. Iran SC - 11.6g to acquire, 5.8g cost to FAY. Sweden SC - 7g to acquire, 3.5g cost to FAY. USA SC - 7.5g to acquire, 3.75g cost to FAY. Total cost to FAY to use SCs in Iran, Lithuania, Sweden, and USA: 14.05g |
Afanasiy Drago 11 years ago |
Voting finished
11 years ago |
Supporting shareholders | Shareholders against |