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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 360
Estimated value:
88.55 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
0.25 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 5
Total companies: 1

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:

So guys, here I am. The new CEO of ShadowTech Inc. My name is succer, and I am planning with my kolegue DeathReaper to get this SC running, it will take a long time, and I doubt there will be dividends unless we really make miracle, so my question is

Do you want to sell your shares?
Estimated value per share: 6.51
Ofcourse I can't pay that price for a share, when you bought it it was probably 2.5g, and I assume you want to get atleast something out, so I would buy your shares for about 1-2g.. with SC money, shares would be split between staff members - currently me and DeathReaper , but as I've said, its not because of dividends %, its for working easier, accepting laws faster, not collecting gold. If we manage to get back on our feet, you can buy shares later. If anyone is interested PM ME - succer

Slovensko: Torej, odločil sem se da prevzamem ShadowTech Inc. saj ga acek več ne more vodit, SC boma z deathreaperjem probala spravit na noge, lahko se javi še kdo in pomaga.

Hočete prodati delnice/share?
Res je da je vrednost označena z 6.51g ampak realnost ni taka
Delnice bi odkupil od vas, da vam povrnem del kupnine za 1-2g, delnice ne bi kupil za to da bi potem sam pobral večje dividende, ampak zato ker je lažje sprejemat zakone če bi meli 50% v staffu. Če se kdo odloči naj mi pošlje PM, hvala. Če bo ratalo, lahko delnice kupite ko se SC zažene.

Prosim da votate z yes/no da se ne preseže 50% za yes oz no, ni važno ce je accepted al failed, itak bojo PMji.

Please vote yes/no so we don't come over 50%, no matter if accepted or failed, no matter if its accepted or failed, we will contact on PM.

LP / have a nice evening


10 years ago

Voting finished
10 years ago



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