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Do you agree with the following question:
ITA: abbiamo uppato la iron fino a Q5 ora bisogna decidere quanto e dove investire le strade che propongo sono 2 e cioè: 1) comprare un'altra raw (poi decideremo quale e dove) 2) comprare una weapon (poi decideremo che Q e dove) votate SI per la RAW, votate NO per la weapon per qualsiasi chiarimento, opinione o consiglio mandatemi un pm! ENG: we have upgraded the iron company up to Q5 now we have to decide what to do here is my proposal: 1) buy an other raw company (later we will decide where and which) 2) buy a weapon company (later we will decide which Q and where) vote YES if you agree with point 1, vote NO if you agree with point 2 for any suggestion shout or send me a pm! |
RAZIEL 12 years ago |
Voting finished
12 years ago |
Supporting shareholders | Shareholders against |