Act type: | Proposed by: |
Do you agree with the following question:
Do you agree our SC's new strategy ? *First of all I would like to make clear that we have been in charge for 1 day and we are working with a slow but prolific schedule. *The SC has 2 companies which are both the lowest quality, the Grain Company was donated by the current CEO and the Food Company was bought by the former CEO. *In Day 77 the new Administration Group achieved something small but promising;We made 6gold profit by selling storage products,those 6 golds are going to reinvest in order to upgrade the Q1 Grain Company to Q2 Grain Company.Also the current CEO whose productivity level is 7 is going to work for a period of time with the symbolic salary of 10 USD in the Grain Company! *In addition to the ones mentioned I personally want you to appriciate all my donations to the SC (Q1 Company (20 gold) and another 3 gold in currency etc.) and do not trigger a "Sack CEO" action. *Any donatios to the SC are going to be an investment for you future profit, so I want to ask you all to donate 1 or less gold to the SC in the following days. *Our next move is to upgrade the Grain Company to Q2. *About "Pay dividend" it is going to happen hopefully in the middle of December. CheGreko your new CEO |
CheGreko 12 years ago |
Voting finished
12 years ago |
Supporting shareholders | Shareholders against |