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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 1300
Estimated value:
2544.14 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.96 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 20
Total companies: 7

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:

Dear Shareholders,

We have accomplished the following since our last dividend 9 days ago.

1. Completed upgrading Q4 Oil in Poland and Q4 Diamonds in Korea to Q5 (400g)
2. Added a Q3 gun company in Formosa and Q1 ticket company in Poland (110g)
3. Added a Korean stock company for selling into our domestic market (50g)

We have roughly been earning 62g a day, or 0.085g per share, a return on invested capital of about 50% per month.

Although I expect that our earnings will probably normalize (i.e. to the 20 - 30% range), our management structure is now such that I believe we have a permanent advantage over our competitors, which allows us to sustain a higher rate of return.

This gives us a strong incentive to grow via investment, but at the same time I understand the need for dividends.

Starting next Wednesday, we will begin to pay a 0.25g dividend per share. To fund growth, we will be issuing corporate bonds, a first in Secura from my knowledge.

In addition, Ten Percent Holdings will issue corporate bonds worth 390 - 780g that pay an interest of 10% per every 4 weeks using the following method:

1. Bond buyers lend X to me via contract that states X gold will be repaid in 4 weeks. In addition, there will be debts for 0.025X (2.5%) that repay each week.

2. X gold will be transferred into Ten Percent Holdings. Each week, 0.025X will be withdrawn to pay for interest.

3. At the end of the 4 weeks, bonds will either be repaid in full, or reissued under the same structure.

In short, by paying for growth via debt rather then equity, we can fund growth and also pay a higher dividend then possible otherwise.


11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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