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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 20000
Estimated value:
50.01 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
0.00 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 36
Total companies: 0

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For now we will try to issue 100 gold dividends every week.

there is a "problem" with share rounding. so if you buy one share or two shares you may get the same dividend

it may not be a huge deal. one share is .005% but the game rounds to .01% thus there is an error in the rounding. . if we had 16400 people each own one share we would create a significant amount of gold with the rounding error.

heads up my math is ususally wrong. if some one finds an error with my math it would be appreciated!

I have decided producing q5 weps for a loss did not provide enough benefit to the american society. and decided to be soully profit seeking. so i am selling the q5 wep companies and will either be buying q5 iron companies to increase profits. or issuing dividends. i have not exactly decided if i want to return capital through dividends.

7 years ago

Voting finished
7 years ago



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