Act type: | Proposed by: |
Do you agree with the following question:
As I've explained a bit in this article Public Debt News the company is currently doing very well. we have ~70g in our treasury and we're trying to sell our Q3 iron company in Norway (to high salaries) and we have ~15g in SEK on the market waiting to be sold. all in all, what I'm saying is, pure raw companies are currently really profitable. but, as we have the money to expand further, my question to you shareholders is: Do you want to start moving into the finished goods sector as well (food, weps etc) then vote: YES (and please shout what type of company you'd like to see!) if you want us to remain only in raws vote : NO (and also make a shout on what type of company you'd want us to get!) |
krazko 12 years ago |
Voting finished
12 years ago |
Supporting shareholders | Shareholders against |