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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 1600
Estimated value:
2095.32 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.31 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 5

Act type: Proposed by:
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Do you agree to change company statute into:


§1 In a normal statement, the only one rightful CEO, called hereafter RCEO (...) is a shareholder with the largest amount of (...) shares.
§4.a RCEO (...) reserves full right to change statute at any given moment without asking anyone for permission.
§4.b This is with exception of point III, which can only be changed, if it was approved by the majority of allowed shareholders excluding RCEO.

III. Shareholders Rights

§1.a The salary in weapon companies, due to high taxes, will be paid in donations by CEO or CMs from their own budget, for which they can later take recompensation from the RCEO after showing the proof of such costs (...).
§1.b This type of recompensation is also entitled to a TCEO if he was paing a donation-dividents (vide §2) to shareholders in the abscence of RCEO.
§2.a While having calculated budget surplus even after dividends being paid, they shall be paid no less often than every month by CEO in a donation model.
§2.b The donation-dividend is only entitled to allowed shareholders.
§3 As allowed shareholders is understood everyone owning the shares of the company and, at the same time, being an employee in some of the company's workplaces.
§4.a In case a person not employed in the company, purchases company's shares, he or she becomes an unallowed shareholder
§4.b In case a company's employee quits the job in the company, he or she also becomes an unallowed shareholder
§4.c The right of unallowed shareholder - if the time since the purchase was no longer than a month, is to sell the company's shares at the same price as it was bought, without any loss. But - if the time since the purchase was longer than a month, a price given by any allowed shareholder (which except for some special cases, mustn't be higher than estimated value per company's share) will be preffered.

For the full version of the staute check:

6 years ago

Voting finished
6 years ago



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