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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 200
Estimated value:
1478.62 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
7.39 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 0

Act type: Proposed by:
Change company description

Do you agree to change company statute into:

1. The name of the company is Global Holding.
2. The headquarters of the company is in Laos.
3. The company was founded as a joint stock company.
4. The founding capital of the company amounts to 631.53 gold and is divided into 200 shares with a nominal value of 3.16 gold per share.
5. The shareholders' assembly is the highest governing body.
6. The shareholders' assembly decides on all key issues related to the operation and management of the company.
7. The CEO is in charge of operational management of the company and is appointed by the shareholders' meeting.
8. The company is represented and represented by the CEO, who has the right to undertake all actions on behalf of the company.
9. Any change or amendment of this statute shall be made by decision of the shareholders' meeting.
10. The company may issue new shares after the decision of the shareholders' meeting.
11. Each share gives the right to one vote at the shareholders' meeting.
12. Shareholders have the right to a share of the company's profits that is proportional to their ownership of shares, in accordance with the CEO's decision on the distribution of profits.
13. Shareholders have the right to information about the company's operations.
14. The company may cease operations by decision of the shareholders' meeting or in other circumstances provided for by the rules of the game.

5 months ago

Voting finished
5 months ago



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