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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 1100
Estimated value:
69.08 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
0.06 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 0

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:

Hello dear shareholders.
First of all i want to update you abour company situation.
As u can see in last week we 2 more Q5 companies and soon our profits will go up.
The situation in USA market is not so good now. All prices went down and we hade to do some moves to keep make profits from our companies.
Today was opened
Catedral Branch in Brazil. .
We will sell our production there and send all the profits to
Brazilian market have good prices and we will make good profits from selling our production there.
If we will be needed, we will open more SC`s in differen countries with good markets.
OK and now about a poll.
The poll about issuing more 100 shares 11-13g each. After selling all of these shares we will be able to buy 3 more Q5 companies so our profits will be much bigger than now.
I am not going to vote in this poll cuz if i`ll vote the answer will be "YES"
My opinion is that we need to issue more shares to buy more companies.
Think twice before u Voting.

Yes - Yes we should issue more shares and buy more companies
NO - we should not issue more shares.

11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



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