Esim - Free MMOG browser game

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Master Sergeant
12 Level
2,088 Experience
70,851 Damage
2.5 Economy skill
750 Strength
Day 639 Birthday
33 / 26 National by XP
23 / 26 National by DMG
1,604 / 824 Global by XP
455 / 824 Global by DMG
Political office No office
Ministry office Minister of Social of United Kingdom
Military unit Test mu
Owned companies (1)
988 - 1,483
Critical hit:
1,976 - 2,966
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
Total critical hit chance
12.5 %
12.5 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
Overall miss chance
12.5 %
12.5 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
5.0 %
5.0 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
0.0 %
  • x13
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 40 of 332 See all achievements
Friends (11618)
marijuanaa just took part in fundraising!
Because of that, his friends, fellow Israel citizens and his MU mates got rewarded with this little gift.
Click here to redeem!
Code is limited to 14 uses. The early bird catches the worm

Deadmann just took part in fundraising!
Because of that, his friends, fellow Dominican Republic citizens and his MU mates got rewarded with this little gift.
Click here to redeem!
Code is limited to 14 uses. The early bird catches the worm

Halid Bin Velid just took part in fundraising!
Because of that, his friends, fellow Turkey citizens and his MU mates got rewarded with this little gift.
Click here to redeem!
Code is limited to 5 uses. The early bird catches the worm

sbaxter117 just took part in fundraising!
Because of that, his friends, fellow USA citizens and his MU mates got rewarded with this little gift.
Click here to redeem!
Code is limited to 14 uses. The early bird catches the worm

DonV Corleone just took part in fundraising!
Because of that, his friends, fellow Turkey citizens and his MU mates got rewarded with this little gift.
Click here to redeem!
Code is limited to 14 uses. The early bird catches the worm

faust just took part in fundraising!
Because of that, his friends, fellow Turkey citizens and his MU mates got rewarded with this little gift.
Click here to redeem!
Code is limited to 14 uses. The early bird catches the worm

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