Esim - The Sledge - Truth or Troll? - UPDATE!

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The Sledge - Truth or Troll? - UPDATE! (Old article)
Posted 11 years ago by

No doubt everyone is aware of the events over the last few days. Is it truth, is it troll? No doubt when you take everything into consideration a few issues seem to raise a few eyebrows. There is definitely a lot of cheese here, but some of it seems just a little too stinky. I have gathered a few arguments, and a few counter arguments, that have been floating around the IRC chat channels that I think are worthwhile to determine if Poland leaving VVV and going out on their own is in fact truth or one elaborate hoax.

Is it a hoax? Read an interview with with Lith CP

Poland Throwing all of their Territories.

This comes as a huge surprise to many. In the history of esim (primera and secura - yes they are linked to a certain degree since the top citizens from Poland exist on both servers), I don't think that anyone has seen them drop territories on purpose, especially core regions such as Silesa. They fight tooth and nail to hold whats theirs. Their daily damage over the past two days has been usually low, and although Poland ended up being ranked 2nd in daily damage yesterday, you will find that a HUGE majority (over half of the damage) was done in the 3 hours leading up to day change, and was used, not in their Polish battles, but other ones. Rounds came and went with 30 odd Polish players online, but none hit in area that everyday (except the last 2) Poland considered as key.

Sure, many high rollers from Poland were debuffed from using the Tank Buff 2 days earlier, but for Poland to go down 0-8 is unheard of.

It is true, it has been suggested that Poland wants to lose these core territories for 1) the fun of it, and 2) to help with a forthcoming babyboom. But, in a battle, that apparently they intended on trying, they still lost to Lithuania, despite Lithuania having 6 RW's to contend with.

Lack of Comments

One of the glaring issues that sticks out like a sore thumb in my mind is the lack of comments. Lithuania and Poland has been friends for the entirety of secura! You would have thought that the BIGGEST move ever in secura would have atleast made the headlines quick smart. Especially by the parties involved. Not a PEEP was heard from anyone in VVV for nearly 2 days (then Poland Org released an article). Sure articles were flying around like hot-cakes, but these were from Delta, Federation, and UWS media moguls.

I don't know, this smells fishy. To make a comparison, I give you Lt. Kaffee

Your honor, these are the telephone records from GITMO for August 6th. And these are 14 letters that Santiago wrote in nine months requesting, in fact begging, for a transfer. Upon hearing the news that he was finally getting his transfer, Santiago was so excited, that do you know how many people he called? Zero. Nobody. Not one call to his parents saying he was coming home. Not one call to a friend saying can you pick me up at the airport. He was asleep in his bed at midnight, and according to you he was getting on a plane in six hours, yet everything he owned was hanging neatly in his closet and folded neatly in his footlocker. You were leaving for one day and you packed a bag and made three phone calls. Santiago was leaving for the rest of his life, and he hadn't called a soul and he hadn't packed a thing. Can you explain that? The fact is there was no transfer order. Santiago wasn't going anywhere, isn't that right, Colonel.

Poland called no-one! Didn't let anyone know that they were going solo. Does this sound like a declaration of war to you?

Poland Still Fighting for Lithuania after DoW presented

One of the interesting things about the events that occurred immediately after the DoW by Lithuania, Poland still kept hitting for Lithuania in key battles. You would have thought that in a congress and CP that can pass a law in about 2 minutes, someone would have shouted, "Oh btw, don't help Lithuania in their battles, they are now our enemies"

Sure, on argument for why they continued to hit, even after the DoW by Lithuania, is that they had their MU orders set in those battles. But to continue fighting for your "now enemy" while they pillage your land, just for the 20% damage bonus just does not add up at all.

South Korea

Why have I brought up South Korea? This is one of the most interesting issues at the moment in my opinion. I think that we can all safely say that the South Korean Community is the most reliable and sought after community to have on your side. When Poland left VVV, they cut all ties to their ex-VVV alliance nations. It is now Poland vs VVV. Here is the funny thing. Everyone knows that South Korea and Poland have one of the best understandings in the game. So, of course, instead of Poland protecting their own borders, Poland set their big MU's, Gloria Victis to hit for South Korea in Taipei. Wait up a sec, aren't you guys meant to be enemies? Sure SK avoided hitting in the Poland/Lithuania battles because of this relationship. But doesn't it seem strange that South Korea is with VVV, but Lithuania not helping SK, and then getting major assistance from Poland.

Yes, it does add up to me. Both Pol/Lith benefit greatly from SK and SK is staying clear of all Lithuania/Poland battles.

Pressure by the Community: The GO's and Admin in action

Lets face it, these nations have never before heeded to the communities opinions about the game being boring, so why start now? Pressure by the community has nothing to do with it. Right! Maybe. Here is why.

Every week without fail, an article hits the top 6 about how the game is getting boring. VVV dismisses these almost immediately. As a result, I think we can safely say that quite a few members have quit.

I would like to tell you a story. As a Moderator and part of the development team of another online game we are constantly trying to find ways of 1) attracting new players, and 2) keeping these players involved in the game. We sometimes manipulate certain things to help grow a target community. For instance, There was a country that originally had a great signup rate from people from that country, but the amount of people that stayed was dismal. We determined that the primary reason was because the nation was going so poorly. I moved to the worst nation in the game and with the help of a select few big guns we have turned that nation into a powerhouse, and the rate that we keep these players active in the game has gone up over 400%. This is big.

Imagine this. a few key citizens involved in various aspects of the game got together. What if we made an elaborate plan to start a war against each other. People are complaining, the development team mentions that we are not retaining that many new citizens in the nations that are going poorly, there are weekly troll articles about how boring the game is getting, lets change it up for a while. If we battle against each other for a while, the articles will cease, everyone will say, now isnt this fun, and after a while, we all get back together and run rampant again. It should keep the public quiet for atleast another 100 days.

To me, this is not far fetched at all, and could be a very plausible reality. And to be honest, I wouldn't put a concept like this past these people. After gathering intel from several key citizens in the game, I have come to realize that they are very smart, and very talented individuals (I actually think I can let them engage in a conversation with me ) They want whats best for the game, while wanting whats best for the people who they represent.

Lack of Mercs

Anyone wish to guess how much gold Poland Org has in their account? Mmmmm. Just gander through their donation laws, I think this will give you an idea. Poland, as far as I knowhired 0 mercs! This is strange in itself. But to be honest, I am with them 100% on this. I would not pay mercs if I was the leader of a country. Mercs in my mind are a waste to a certain degree. Sure, if you are hiring a group that will remain faithful to your cause, but alot of them hit for you one day, then hit against you the other. I would much rather spend all that money on helping out my own nations citizens, give them all Q5 weapons to run riot and build up rapport that way. Especially with a baby boom happening. Give em all gold to get a head start! Thats the way in my opinion.

Final Thought

Of course you guys can all tell that I am not of the belief that this is genuine. To many things missing, too many things don't add up as far as I am concerned. I do think that this will unfortunately go on for a while, then they will get back together, and then back to the same old, same old.

But, here is where I think the plan (if it is indeed a plan) will backfire. People will enjoy this new secura, not only from the alliances that have been complaining, but from the alliance members in VVV who have been fighting the same RW's day in day out for the past 100 or so days. Look at South Korea, this is the FIRST time that they have had to band together to fight in Taipei! Look at USA, the community is ALIVE! Doesn't it feel good for it to get abit tense! Communities will become vibrant again, new battles won and lost. New friendships formed and old ones ended. This is a time for change, a new chapter of secura, and to be honest, it was always going to take Poland, and Poland alone to make this change.

Jim's Dad: It's like banging a tennis ball against a brick wall, which can be fun. It can be fun, but it's not a game.
Jim: Right.
Jim: It's not a game.
Jim: No.
Jim's Dad: What you want is a partner to return the ball

I must say, I am hopeful that this is all genuine, but I can assure you. I'm not holding my breath, so all the nations, take advantage of this while it lasts.

Previous article:
The Sledge - Admin Style (11 years ago)

Next article:
Secura Top 10 (11 years ago)

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