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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 600
Estimated value:
1676.11 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
2.79 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 7
Total companies: 8

Company statute

Dear future investors,

My name is w3tbanana , and I represent an idea. Many stock companies in this game either are inactive. The successful few, well active do not give the investor (you) timely gains. It would take several real life years to gain what you have put into the company. Although I understand that investing, especially when you invest in a person/ company, isn't done for instant returns. In fact it is one of the slowest way to grow your money besides putting it in a bank.

My proposal is to give you high returns, for your investment. So that in 6 months to a year you will regain what you have invested. After that it is purely income. I have a few ideas on how to achieve this, but cannot explain it. Mainly due to the fact that others will copy the idea.

So give me a chance, after all initial buy in is only 5 gold. That is one medal, which you get every 30 days on average anyway.

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Propose CEO Accepted 5 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 5 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 7 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 7 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 9 years ago

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Citizen Role
Morbid_One Company manager
Morbid_One Supply manager
Morbid_One Accountant
Morbid_One CEO


Company Type Location
Maple Diamonds q1 Diamonds
Croatia - Central Croatia
Maple Machine Guns q1 Q1 Weapon
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Maple Machineguns #2 q1 Q1 Weapon
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Pancake Factory q5 Q5 Food
Canada - Canada East Coast
Sleeping Steel q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Whole Grain Ltd. q4 Grain
Canada - Canada East Coast
You "S" Eh Gunz q5 Q5 Weapon
USA - USA Pacific Coast
You "S" Eh Gunz #2 q4 Q4 Weapon
USA - USA Pacific Coast


Finally hit the 1.40 per share range
w3tbanana (Major shareholder) posted 10 years ago

Increasing the capital of the SC is a good idea.
More factories, better turnover of products and money.
If you need any help in business let me know, I have experience.

Best of luck!
ANS1S (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

companies aren't working properly please do them worked
ramazanli (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

Next dividend will be on the 31st of Jan.
w3tbanana (Major shareholder) posted 10 years ago

are you sure with your salaries in your weapon company? if yes then please let me work there.
Sjane (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
4.00 Gold
8 years ago
3.23 Gold
9 years ago
3.23 Gold
9 years ago
5.00 Gold
9 years ago
5.00 Gold
9 years ago
5.00 Gold
9 years ago
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Volume Citizen
437 (72.83%)
81 (13.5%)
34 (5.67%)
28 (4.67%)
15 (2.5%)
4 (0.67%)
1 (0.17%)

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