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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 50
Estimated value:
2179.00 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
43.58 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 5

Company statute

just another enterprise of a clueless, enthusiastic, rookie entrepreneur. if you are serious and you have a sense for making money -unlike me-, moreover if you're from malaysia just pm me so we can discuss and overcome those trifles which set us apart.

we don't pay any divident to that greedy mr. shareholder of us and he knows it well.

now i'll try to sack myself as the magic ceo.

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Pay dividend Accepted 10 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 10 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 10 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 10 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 10 years ago

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Citizen Role
affandede CEO
affandede Company manager
affandede Supply manager
affandede Accountant


Company Type Location
Iron Fist q5 Iron
Nepal - Sumatra
Iron Horse q5 Iron
Afghanistan - Penghu
Lucy in the Sky with q5 Diamonds
Croatia - Central Croatia
Motörizer q5 Oil
Philippines - Pahang
Shine q5 Q5 Gift
Portugal - Azores


Iron Fist -- out of money :/
SatenMis2s (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

memandangkan staff tinggal beberape orgje di motorizer, ape kata bg kitorang jadi manager atau accountant..
Hafizee (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

hello,i just apply for work and will start tomorrow can u increase my salary so i can get better salary when i start to work tomorrow??
ariftheizz (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

i want more salary pliss..
ridzuan92 (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

increase my salary, can haa boss??? hahaha
al haiqal (Citizen) posted 11 years ago

we should sack that lunatic ceo of us. what say you?
affandede (CEO) posted 11 years ago

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Volume Citizen
50 (100.0%)

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