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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 890
Estimated value:
941.89 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.06 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 8
Total companies: 2

Company statute


2XQ5 Iron
Q5 weapon
2 X Q5 gifts
2 X Q5 diamonds


Dividends will be paid on 1st of each month, or at least I will try to pay it every 30 days. The amount paid in the dividends will depend on the profit, as a result, 40% of the profit will be paid. The rest will be taken for future investments and for the growth of the SC.

When the SC grows and we have 3 companies, the dividend paid will change to the 45% of the profit, and it will change every time we get 2 more companies.

Description of the corporation:

There is always risks in any business. We cannot guarantee profit from this venture. Always remember that investing in the SC will not give you quick profit unless you sell your shares at a higher price. But if you are a risk-taker and looking for a steady source of income, this SC is right for you.

Remember that the shares of inactive shareholders who haven't logged in for 50 consecutive days or more will be sold to keep the shares company and the exchange of shares active.

You can contact gameer5 to buy iron from the corporation through a contract to him.

If you have any question or problem, please, feel free to contact me,

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Issue shares Rejected 7 years ago
Propose CEO Failed 7 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 7 years ago
Propose CEO Rejected 7 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 8 years ago

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Citizen Role
filo4569 Company manager
filo4569 Supply manager
filo4569 Accountant
chudziaczek CEO
chudziaczek Company manager
chudziaczek Supply manager
chudziaczek Accountant


Company Type Location
BPI Jr. Iron q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
BPI Jr. Weapons q5 Q5 Weapon
Poland - Silesia


It seems that we all want to become CEO of this SC xd
ElectricBanshee (Shareholder) posted 7 years ago

I'm looking for a company manager, if you are interested, please, send me a PM. Have a nice day
ElectricBanshee (Shareholder) posted 9 years ago

I have been thinking a new plan: I'll pay the employees with gold via contracts, please, don't sack me, as I'm not cheating: just taking the necessary gold from the SC to pay the employees
ElectricBanshee (Shareholder) posted 9 years ago

Hey there! I have released a new article . There are good news for you if you have money and you would like to earn some more. Have a look!
gameer5 (Major shareholder) posted 9 years ago

You can have a look at my last article to keep yourselves informed month by month about the progress made in this Sc
gameer5 (Major shareholder) posted 9 years ago

Day 774
Estimated value: 462.64 Gold
Estimated value per share: 0.52 Gold

arnan (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

Write a new shout:

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
2.00 Gold
9 years ago
0.93 Gold
9 years ago
1.50 Gold
9 years ago
0.55 Gold
9 years ago
0.55 Gold
9 years ago
0.65 Gold
9 years ago
View more transactions


Volume Citizen
749 (84.16%)
53 (5.96%)
50 (5.62%)
24 (2.7%)
10 (1.12%)
President Woodburn
2 (0.22%)
Jon Konning
1 (0.11%)
1 (0.11%)

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