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Lorenzo von Matterhorn

Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 800
Estimated value:
50.00 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
0.06 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 2
Total companies: 0

Company statute

Lorenzo von Matterhorn & Cie se veut une compagnie de qualité apportant une nouvelle approche de la finance aux actionnaires.
Notre objectif: la vente spécialisée dans deux secteurs, l'armement et la fabrication d'extras ayant pour unique dessein l'acquisition du monopole dans ces deux secteurs sur le marché helvétique et sur d'autres marchés actifs.

Votre cher PDG Lorenzo von Matterhorn sera sensible au changement et prêtera toujours une oreille attentive aux propositions de ses actionnaires.
Lorenzo von Matterhorn & Cie wants to be a quality company bringing a new approach to finance to shareholders. Our goal: selling specialized in two sectors, arming and manufacture of extras with the sole purpose of acquiring a monopoly in these two sectors in the Swiss market and other asset markets.

Your dear CEO Lorenzo von Matterhorn will be sensitive to change and always will listen to the proposals of shareholders.

We will distribute dividends according to profit growth

===Liechtenstein&VonMatterHorn (LVMH) group is a familial company.
Our subsidiaries are:
LVMH Helvetia
LVMH The French Cooperative
LVMH Bank America
LVMH Bank Switzerland
LVMH Trading Center

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Change name Accepted 5 years ago
Change name Accepted 5 years ago
Change company description Accepted 5 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 5 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 5 years ago

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Citizen Role
felixchat Accountant
Finghin Supply manager
Finghin Accountant
Lorenzo von Matterhorn Accountant
Lorenzo von Matterhorn Supply manager
Lorenzo von Matterhorn Company manager
Lorenzo von Matterhorn CEO


Company Type Location
No companies


he has been banned. now i am in charge of LVMH Helvetia
kmaus (Citizen) posted 9 years ago

Hum OK ... ??? I'm surprise, anyone could explain what's happens ???
Finghin (Staff member) posted 9 years ago

Money out. Finghin know it and will probably buy the SC with the money I've donated to him.
Peter von Liechstenstein (Citizen) posted 9 years ago

We buy for 198.02g of shares of LVMH Helvetia. We own now 6.81% of our subsidiary (under my name PvL).
we will put that in statute asap
Peter von Liechstenstein (Citizen) posted 9 years ago

7.19% of LVMH Bank Romania belongs now to us.
Peter von Liechstenstein (Citizen) posted 9 years ago

We are the major shareholder of LVMH Bank London (50.17%)!
We have invested 355.18g to buy the shares.
Peter von Liechstenstein (Citizen) posted 9 years ago

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NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
0.06 Gold
5 years ago
0.06 Gold
5 years ago
0.06 Gold
5 years ago
2.00 Gold
9 years ago
2.00 Gold
9 years ago
2.00 Gold
9 years ago
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Volume Citizen
644 (80.5%)
Lorenzo von Matterhorn
156 (19.5%)

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