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Olaf Iverstone

Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 400
Estimated value:
1599.14 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
4.00 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 5

Company statute

Olaf Iverstone 's personal Stock Company

- All companies are owned by Olaf Iverstone

- The purpose of this company is to generate profits for Olaf Iverstone 's personal use. It's secondary goal is to help maintain the United States economy and aid the government as necessary.

Expansions for the future:

- Acquire 5x Q5 Iron Companies
- Acquire 2x Q5 Weapon Companies
- Acquire 3x Q5 Diamond Companies

Olaf's Company is currently looking for employees, if you are looking for employment opportunities do not hesitate to send a message to Olaf Iverstone .

Olaf's Company is currently considering an expansion into the Monetary Market and Currency Trading, although this is still in the concept phase of planning.

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Split shares Accepted 6 years ago
Split shares Accepted 6 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 7 years ago
Split shares Accepted 7 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 7 years ago

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Citizen Role
Olaf Iverstone CEO
Olaf Iverstone Company manager
Olaf Iverstone Supply manager
Olaf Iverstone Accountant


Company Type Location
Iron #1 USA q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Iron #2 USA q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Iron #3 USA q5 Iron
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Weapon #1 USA q5 Q5 Weapon
USA - USA Pacific Coast
Weapon #2 q1 Q1 Weapon
USA - Central USA


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NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

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Volume Citizen
400 (100.0%)
Olaf Iverstone

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