Black Sheep Corporation
Stock company
Total Shares: 200
Estimated value per share: 5.26 Gold
Daily shares trade value: 0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 2
Company statute
This is Black Sheep Stock Company and we achieve awesomeness. We strive to be one of the biggest SC in the future.
We heavily invest on weapons and gifts. We look forward on expanding with at least two Q5 Iron, three Q1 Weapon, one Q5 Diamond, and one Q5 Gift as soon as possible.
Goals and progress:
Q5 Iron (US: currently Q4)
Q5 Iron (??: none)
Q1 Weapon (US: Done!)
Q1 Weapon (none)
Q1 Weapon (??: none)
Q5 Diamond (??: none)
Q5 Gift (??: none)
Q5 Ticket(Optional: none)
Q5 Oil(Optional: none)
Q5 Grain (Optional: none)
Q5 Food (Optional: none)
We also plan on funding our very own Private Military Unit that will help with the stock company's security(such as helping defend countries' capital where a company of ours is located.) Not only that, we also plan on creating corporation branches on each continent; each corporation branch will also have its own private military unit.
Note: Dear future and current shareholders, please sell your shares before going inactive forever.
-DukeTofu, CEO and Founder