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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 100
Estimated value:
14400.04 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
144.00 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 16

Company statute

* We pay xx gold dividend to shareholders every 2 weeks
* We are investing mostly on the local market
* The player with most shares becomes the CEO

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Pay dividend Accepted 9 months ago
Pay dividend Accepted 10 months ago
Pay dividend Accepted 2 years ago
Change name Accepted 2 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 2 years ago

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Citizen Role
Summus CEO
Summus Company manager
Summus Supply manager
Summus Accountant


Company Type Location
DH1 Summus Iron I q5 Iron
Afghanistan - Bago
DH1 Summus Iron II q5 Iron
Afghanistan - Bago
DH1 Summus Iron III q5 Iron
Afghanistan - Bago
DH1 Summus Iron IV q5 Iron
Afghanistan - Bago
DH1 Summus Iron VI q5 Iron
Mongolia - Selenge
DH2 Summus Tanks I q5 Q5 Weapon
Afghanistan - Magwe
DH2 Summus Tanks II q5 Q5 Weapon
Afghanistan - Sagaing
DH2 Summus Tanks III q5 Q5 Weapon
Afghanistan - Tanintharyi
DH2 Summus Tanks IV q5 Q5 Weapon
Myanmar - Kachin
DH2 Summus Tanks V q5 Q5 Weapon
Afghanistan - Shan
DH3 Summus Diamonds I q5 Diamonds
Lithuania - Samogitia
DH4 Summus Gifts I q5 Q5 Gift
Lithuania - Dainava
DH5 Summus Grain I q5 Grain
Nepal - Bengal Coast
DH6 Summus Food I q5 Q5 Food
Nepal - Eastern India
DH7 Summus Oil I q5 Oil
Philippines - Pahang
DH8 Summus Tickets I q5 Q5 Ticket
Philippines - Southern Peninsular-Malaysia


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NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

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Volume Citizen
100 (100.0%)

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