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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 200
Estimated value:
253.90 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.27 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 3
Total companies: 4

Company statute

We don't want to invest in Q5 food/gift.
Because we think that the price bubble will explode soon. And we don't really want to invest 400g for a low % return.

We are currently producing and selling Q1 food, Q2 food and Q1 weapons on several markets. We had to invest in grain because of the current grain shortage, even if producing grain is not extremely profitable.

If you are selling raw materials or if you want to buy our products for a fair price, feel free to pm Aramis (CEO).

And remember: what ever our competitors are saying...
We are only ones who really love you.

Dividend policy: paid once a week. But for now, we are investing. We cannot give a huge share of our profits.

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Split shares Accepted 12 years ago
Change company description Accepted 12 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 12 years ago
Issue shares Accepted 12 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 12 years ago

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Citizen Role
Aramis CEO
Aramis Company manager
Aramis Supply manager
Aramis Accountant
Westwick Supply manager
StarWalker Supply manager


Company Type Location
Bakery SARL q3 Q3 Food
Netherlands - Friesland-Flevoland
foodoption q1 Q1 Food
Poland - Alsace Lorraine
Hyperion Grain q2 Grain
Netherlands - Friesland-Flevoland
Pastry SARL q2 Q2 Food
Netherlands - Friesland-Flevoland


Buying shares PM me with price not higher then 1 gold
krste83 (Citizen) posted 12 years ago

only atm and that profit is quickly going, it q4 or q5 mate, or u be left in shadows
law7441 (Citizen) posted 12 years ago

As I can't edit the description until bug is fixed:
Here, we invest in "low" quality stuff. Far more profitable (in %). Require less gold.
For now: 4 days, +25 gold per day. (75 -> 175)
Aramis (CEO) posted 12 years ago

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
1.26 Gold
12 years ago
1.26 Gold
12 years ago
0.63 Gold
12 years ago
1.25 Gold
12 years ago
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Volume Citizen
195 (97.5%)
4 (2.0%)
1 (0.5%)

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