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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 868
Estimated value:
1032.24 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.19 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 47
Total companies: 0

Company statute

In the name of god
this stock is going to make gold for you on this ways :

1- we want to pay dividend every 21 days , and this period will be shorter.

2- we want to improve our companies and buy new companies.

Note :
* please dont sell your shares from Wednesday to Saturday and let us to offer the SC shares for sale just put your offer on Sunday , Monday, Tuesday, please
CEO of Jebhe Melli IRAN Davidmo


سلام خدمت سرمايه گذاران عزيز و افرادي که قصد سرمايه گذاري دارند
ما سعي داريم تا سرمايه ها رو جمع کنيم و دو هدف رو دنبال ميکنيم :

١.کمک به اقتصاد ايران از طريق جمع اوري سرمايه ها و جلو گيري از اطلاف و خارج شدن اونها از ايران و وارد کردن کالا هايي با قيمت هاي مناسب که هم ايران و ايراني سود بکنه هم استوک ما .
٢. هدف دوم ما سود دهي بلند مدت بر روي سرمايه ها هستش ما براي اين هدف هم سود ها رو بلند مدت کرديم هم درصد اون رو تا اندازه قابل قبول کاهش داديم پس ما حدود ۵٠٪ سود رو پرداخت خواهيم کرد و حدود ۵٠٪ بقيه بر ارزش سهام اضافه خواهد شد .
و اما بريم سر اصل مطلب ؛
سود فعلا هر ٢١ روز پرداخت خواهد شد و مقدار اون هم براي هر سهم ٠.١ گلد هست ولي با افزايش تعداد سهام ها مدت ٢١ روزه کم ميشود تا سود بيشتري کنيد

توجه :
* سهام ها رو ٣ روز يعني از يکشنبه تا سه شنبه فقط واسه فروش بزاريد بقيه روزها(چهارشنبه پنجشنبه و جمعه و شنبه) اجازه بديد فقط سهام جبهه ملي تو افر ها باشه.

Davidmo مدير استوک جبهه ملي ايران

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Pay dividend Accepted 2 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 2 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 2 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 4 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 4 years ago

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Citizen Role
saeid123 Supply manager
saeid123 Accountant
Sahand Company manager
Sahand Supply manager
Sahand Accountant
saeid123 Company manager
npty CEO
npty Company manager
npty Supply manager
npty Accountant
haarp Supply manager
haarp Accountant
haarp Company manager


Company Type Location
No companies


Why ceo sell all of company property without poll of shareholders ??!!
reza_shah (Shareholder) posted 9 years ago

if every one of u can help me > send pm me .
Davidmo (Shareholder) posted 10 years ago

can the CEO make this SC active again?
laddertrapje (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

Hi people. I would like to sell my shares, if anyone is interrested please pm me
laddertrapje (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

سود بدید یا سهم منو بخرید پول احتیاج دارم
arman2 (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

when will we get dividend??
talino (Citizen) posted 10 years ago

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
2.10 Gold
9 years ago
2.13 Gold
9 years ago
2.14 Gold
9 years ago
2.14 Gold
9 years ago
2.14 Gold
9 years ago
2.14 Gold
9 years ago
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Volume Citizen
130 (14.98%)
109 (12.56%)
Holy Boy
95 (10.94%)
60 (6.91%)
59 (6.8%)
51 (5.88%)
Bato Usai
51 (5.88%)
44 (5.07%)
33 (3.8%)
26 (3.0%)
210 (24.19%) Minor shareholders (37) Show

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