Vento Aureo [US]
Stock company
Total Shares: 300
Estimated value per share: 0.27 Gold
Daily shares trade value: 0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 5
Total companies: 1
Company statute
Vento Aureo is a growth company paying dividends as necessary.
CEO: The Owl
Human Resources: aAntak
Step 1: Establish a Q5 iron company. Raw companies are generally easier to manage, and take lesser time to run than finished products. This aim has been achieved, we now have a Q5 iron company in USA Pacific Coast.
Step 2: Diversify ourselves into other raw materials. Establish a Q5 diamonds company. This step is yet to be fulfilled - we have identified Lithuania and the United Kingdom as possible suitors of our new investment.
The aim of this company is to grow through a low, but steady stream of profits, giving dividends as requested by the majority of shareholders, and be well invested in Q5 raw material companies, before expanding into finished products such as Q5 gifts and weapons. We also give small, high interest loans occasionally to increase our income.
If you're a mature individual with the endurance to make your gold grow over time, this is the Stock Company for you. If not, please feel free to spend your gold elsewhere.
The number of stocks will not exceed 500.
Withdrawn iron, to sell through setrade. Gold will be sent for it by tonight.
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