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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 868
Estimated value:
1031.70 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.19 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 47
Total companies: 0

Act type: Proposed by:

Do you agree with the following question:

سلام دوستان همونطور که گفتم امروز میریم برای تعیین برنامه بعدی
بعد از در نظر گرفتن آرتیکل که دادم لطفا رای بدید

دو کار میشه کرد الان
پخش سود بین اعضا و دوباره جمع کردن گلد برای کمپانی های آینده که این کار البته ارزش سهامهاتون رو کمی پایین میاره
دوم ورود به صنعت استیت و راه انداختن کمپانی کیو 5 سنگ و کیو 5 استیت
در ضمن تعدادی سهام به زودی چاپ خواهد شد

اگر نظرتان ورود به صنعت استیت و سنگ هست
YES بزنید

اگر نظرتان به پخش زود هست
NO بزنید

در ضمن تعدادی سهم هم به زودی چاپ خواهد شد


Hello friends
As i announced before , Today we're gonna plan our next move
it's time you decide what should be our next move. I'll follow whatever shareholders consider is best for our SC right now

We have 2 option:

1. paying dividend. it may just decrease your shares value for short time but it'll back to what it was before cos of our daily profit but We Can't have 2 new Q5 company nearly soon as i planned ( need short time to collect more gold)

2. Opening and Running Q5 estate and Q5 stone companies and Getting into new Industry field which have reasonable profit.

So let's vote , here we go:

Vote YES: to start Q5 estate and Q5 stone industry.
Vote NO: to paying dividend.

P.S: I'll also issue some shares cos few investors contacted me to buy shares from our Stock company


11 years ago

Voting finished
11 years ago



Supporting shareholders Shareholders against

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